Open vadimtk opened 8 years ago
It sounds a very interesting feature requests with a lot of potentials! I need to study the implementation of the replication protocol!
REviewing the issues I saw this request. Let me say my 2 cent here. I see this as a very useful tool, but in my opinion this should be something disjoin from ProxySQL itself. I think that we need to keep ProxySQL very lightweight, fast, solid and able to scale out as proxy service (tile approach). Any functionalities that are not strictly proxy related can use the core of the code , but then have a plugin approach to expand, this or that functionality.
That will allow us to expand it only when needed and for specific use. Keeping the core light.
This is a feature request. I would like ProxySQL to act as master to MySQL slaves. The use case is (Percona XtraDB Cluster) --> async slave. We need to make async slave to be able to reconnect to new node if current node fails. For this I propose a following setup: (Percona XtraDB Cluster) --> ProxySQL --> async slave
ProxySQL by itself monitors nodes status and will be able to route the async slave to a healthy node.