sysprog21 / mado

A window system for resource-constrained devices
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Fix mismatch screen width and height and buffer synchronization when using Linux framebuffer backend #62

Open a1091150 opened 3 days ago

a1091150 commented 3 days ago

The commit 980bd4c supports Linux framebuffer backend, but the behavior is weird on my machine.

Typical laptop with an intel processor.
Architecture:             x86_64
  CPU op-mode(s):         32-bit, 64-bit
  Address sizes:          39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
  Byte Order:             Little Endian
CPU(s):                   8
  On-line CPU(s) list:    0-7
Vendor ID:                GenuineIntel
  Model name:             12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U

The root case is that some hardware require a cache synchronization when using the framebuffer.


  1. Mismatch width and height and 3 windows are drawn(in the screenshot).
  2. Some updates (use twin_screen_damage to mark the field to be updated) are not apply immediately on computer screen.


One possible fix is in a1091150/mado@fbe9e00b262e227b012645b4b8d7ba2432376841, the code is copied from FOSDEM 2020 - Back to the Linux Framebuffer! and sync_cache.c

After the below commit, another problem appeared is that the whole screen is not rendered when startup. To fix this, simply use twin_screen_damage to mark the whole scrreen to be damaged, shown in the following code(a1091150/mado@977463a387f75fa2fe0cfe4d600cbae3720b621c).

static bool twin_fbdev_work(void *closure)
    twin_screen_t *screen = SCREEN(closure);
    static bool run_once = true;
    if (run_once) {
        run_once = false;
        twin_screen_damage(screen, 0, 0, screen->width, screen->height);

    if (twin_screen_damaged(screen))
shengwen-tw commented 2 days ago

@a1091150 :

Hi, I can help fixing the problem but it is a little harder for me to duplicate the problem. Are you interested in solving this problem? Otherwise I can take over it.

a1091150 commented 2 days ago

@a1091150 :

Hi, I can help fixing the problem but it is a little harder for me to duplicate the problem. Are you interested in solving this problem? Otherwise I can take over it.

Yes, I am interested in this problem, but I am not familiar with Linux framebuffer. This will take a while. Currently I tested it on virtual machine (VirtualBox) and it is more broken now.

jserv commented 1 day ago

Consider to call twin_screen_register_damaged after the call of twin_set_work. That is,

    twin_set_work(twin_fbdev_work, TWIN_WORK_REDISPLAY, ctx);

    /* Enable immediate refresh */
    twin_screen_register_damaged(ctx->screen, twin_fbdev_damaged, ctx);

And the callback twin_fbdev_damaged is shown below:

static void twin_fbdev_damaged(void *closure)                                                                                                                 
    twin_screen_t *screen = SCREEN(closure);
    twin_fbdev_t *tx = PRIV(closure);

    if (tx->vt_active /* VT switch is ready */ && twin_screen_damaged(screen))

However, the current fbdev backend lacks of VT switch operations. That is, consider the following:

static void twin_fbdev_switch(twin_fbdev_t *tf, int activate)
    tx->vt_active = activate;

    /* Upon activation */
    if (activate) {
        /* Switch complete */
        ioctl(tx->vt_fd, VT_RELDISP, VT_ACKACQ);

        /* Restore fbdev settings */
        if (twin_fbdev_apply_config(tf)) {
            tx->vt_active = true;

            /* Mark entire screen for refresh */
            if (tx->screen)
                twin_screen_damage(tx->screen, 0, 0, tx->screen->width,
    } else {
        /* FIXME: should expose some option to disallow them */
        ioctl(tx->vt_fd, VT_RELDISP, 1);

        tx->vt_active = 0;

        if (tx->fb_base != MAP_FAILED)
            munmap(tx->fb_base, tx->fb_len);
        tx->fb_base = MAP_FAILED;

static bool vt_switch_pending;

static bool twin_fbdev_work(void *closure)
    twin_fbdev_t *tx = PRIV(closure);

    if (vt_switch_pending) {
        twin_fbdev_switch(tf, !tx->vt_active);
        vt_switch_pending = false;

    return true;

static void twin_fbdev_vtswitch(int sig)
    signal(sig, twin_fbdev_vtswitch);
    vt_switch_pending = true;

static bool twin_fbdev_setup_vt(twin_fbdev_t *tx, int switch_sig)
    struct vt_mode vtm;
    struct termios tio;

    if (ioctl(tx->vt_fd, VT_GETMODE, &vtm) < 0) {
        SERROR("can't get VT mode");
        return 0;
    vtm.mode = VT_PROCESS;
    vtm.relsig = switch_sig;
    vtm.acqsig = switch_sig;

    signal(switch_sig, twin_fbdev_vtswitch);
    tx->vt_swsig = switch_sig;

    if (ioctl(tx->vt_fd, VT_SETMODE, &vtm) < 0) {
        SERROR("can't set VT mode");
        signal(switch_sig, SIG_IGN);
        return 0;

    tcgetattr(tx->vt_fd, &tx->old_tio);

    ioctl(tx->vt_fd, KDGKBMODE, &tx->old_kbmode);
    ioctl(tx->vt_fd, KDSKBMODE, K_MEDIUMRAW);

    tio = tx->old_tio;
    tio.c_iflag = (IGNPAR | IGNBRK) & (~PARMRK) & (~ISTRIP);
    tio.c_oflag = 0;
    tio.c_cflag = CREAD | CS8;
    tio.c_lflag = 0;
    tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    cfsetispeed(&tio, 9600);
    cfsetospeed(&tio, 9600);
    tcsetattr(tx->vt_fd, TCSANOW, &tio);

    ioctl(tx->vx_fd, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS);

    return true;

Check the following implementations: