sysrpl / Codebot.Setup

All the information and scripts used to setup a new cross platform development environment
28 stars 11 forks source link

Script in the repo is out of date. #10

Open PeterDaveHello opened 2 years ago

PeterDaveHello commented 2 years ago

Compare with, the one on this repository is obviously dated, not sure if it's intended?

Result of diff

> # TODO Prompt the user for the install folder and provide BASE as the default
< FPC="3.1.1"
< LAZ="2.2"
> FPC="3.0"
> LAZ="1.5"
< # Check OS version
> # Add port commands to the path if it's not already there
> if [[ ! "$PATH" == *"/opt/local/bin"* ]]; then
>   PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH
> fi
> # Begin block comment
> # if [ 1 -eq 0 ]; then
< elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 12 ]; then
<   echo "Detected OSX Sierra"
< elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 13 ]; then
<   echo "Detected OSX High Siera"
< elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 14 ]; then
<   echo "Detected OSX Mojave"
< elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 15 ]; then
<   echo "Detected OSX Catalina"
<       exit 1;
< PACKAGER="none"
< while true; do
> if ! port version &> /dev/null ; then
>   echo "Setup has detected that macports is not installed"
>   read -p "Press [ENTER] to install macports"
>   echo "Please wait for macports to install"
>   MACPORTS=/tmp/macports.pkg
>   if [ ! -f "$MACPORTS" ]; then
>     if [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 7 ]; then
>         PKGURL=
>     elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 8 ]; then
>         PKGURL=
>     elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 9 ]; then
>         PKGURL=
>     elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 10 ]; then
>         PKGURL=
>     elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 11 ]; then
>         PKGURL=
>     fi
>     curl "$PKGURL" -o "$MACPORTS"
>   fi
>   open $MACPORTS
<   echo "This installer requires either Homebrew or Macports"
<   echo -n "Which would you prefer [(b)rew or (p)ort]: "
<   read PACKAGER
>   sleep 10s
>   read -p "After macports is installed press [ENTER] to continue"
<   case $PACKAGER in
<       [bB][rR][eE][wW]|[bB]) 
<           PACKAGER="brew"         
<           break
<           ;;
<       [pP][oO][rR][tT]|[pP]) 
<           PACKAGER="port"
<           break
<           ;;
<       *)
<           echo "Invalid selection"
<           echo
<           continue
<           ;;
<   esac
< done      
< if [ $PACKAGER == "port" ] ; then
<   # Add port commands to the path if it's not already there
<   if [[ ! "$PATH" == *"/opt/local/bin"* ]]; then
<       PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH
<   fi
<   if ! which port &> /dev/null ; then
<       echo "Setup has detected that Macports is not installed"
<       read -p "Press [ENTER] to install Macports"
<       echo "Please wait for Macports to install"
<       MACPORTS=/tmp/macports.pkg
<       if [ ! -f "$MACPORTS" ]; then
<         if [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 7 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 8 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 9 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 10 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 11 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 12 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 13 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 14 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 15 ]; then
<             PKGURL=
<         fi
<         curl "$PKGURL" -o "$MACPORTS"
<       fi
<       open $MACPORTS
<       echo
<       sleep 10s
<       read -p "After Macports is installed press [ENTER] to continue"
>   if ! port version &> /dev/null ; then
>       echo "Setup has detected that macports was not completely installed"
>       echo "Please wait for macports to install and re-run this script"
>       echo "done."
<       if ! port version &> /dev/null ; then
<           echo "Setup has detected that Macports was not completely installed"
<           echo "Please wait for Macports to install and re-run this script"
<           echo "done."
<           echo
<           exit 1;
<       fi
<   else
<       echo "Found Macports"   
> else
>   echo "Found macports"   
> fi
> if ! ggdb --version &> /dev/null ; then
>   echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger is not installed"
>   read -p "Press [ENTER] to install the gnu debugger"
>   sudo port install gdb
>   echo
<       echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger is not installed"
<       read -p "Press [ENTER] to install the gnu debugger"
<       sudo port install gdb
>       echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger did not install"
>       echo "done."
<       if ! ggdb --version &> /dev/null ; then
<           echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger did not install"
<           echo "done."
<           echo
<           exit 1;
<       fi
<   else
<       echo "Found gnu debugger"   
> else
>   echo "Found gnu debugger"   
> fi
> if ! 7za --help &> /dev/null ; then
>   echo "Setup has detected that the 7-zip is not installed"
>   read -p "Press [ENTER] to install 7-zip"
>   sudo port install p7zip
>   echo
<       echo "Setup has detected that the 7-zip is not installed"
<       read -p "Press [ENTER] to install 7-zip"
<       sudo port install p7zip
<       echo
<       if ! 7za --help &> /dev/null ; then
<           echo "Setup has detected that 7-zip did not install"
<           echo "done."
<           echo
<           exit 1;
<       fi
<   else
<       echo "Found 7-zip"  
<   fi
<   sleep 2s
<   SIGNED="$(codesign -dv /opt/local/bin/ggdb 2>&1)"
<   if [[ $SIGNED == *"object is not signed"* ]]
<   then
<       echo
<       echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger is not currently code signed." 
<       echo
<       echo "After install is complete you will be provided instructions on how to sign the" 
<       echo "debugger. This will allow it authorization to attach to programs for debugging."
>       echo "Setup has detected that 7-zip did not install"
>       echo "done."
<       read -p "Press [ENTER] to continue"
<   fi
< elif [ $PACKAGER == "brew" ] ; then
<   # Add brew commands to the path if it's not already there
<   if [[ ! "$PATH" == *"/usr/local/bin"* ]]; then
<      PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
<   fi
<   if ! which brew 2> /dev/null; then
<       echo "Setup has detected that Homebrew is not installed"
<       read -p "Press [ENTER] to install Homebrew"
<       ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
<       if ! which brew 2> /dev/null; then
<           echo "Setup has detected that Homebrew was not completely installed"
<           echo "done."
<           echo
<           exit 1;
<       fi
<   else
<       echo "Found Homebrew"
<   fi
<   echo "Checking if Homebrew is up to date"
<   brew update
<   if ! gdb --version &> /dev/null ; then
<      echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger is not installed"
<      read -p "Press [ENTER] to install the gnu debugger"
<      brew install gdb
<      echo
<      if ! gdb --version &> /dev/null ; then
<         echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger did not install"
<         echo "done."
<         echo
<         exit 1
<      fi
<   else
<      echo "Found gnu debugger"   
<   fi
<   if ! 7za --help &> /dev/null ; then
<      echo "Setup has detected that the 7-zip is not installed"
<      read -p "Press [ENTER] to install 7-zip"
<      brew install p7zip
<      echo
<      if ! 7za --help &> /dev/null ; then
<         echo "Setup has detected that 7-zip did not install"
<         echo "done."
<         echo
<         exit 1
<      fi
<   else
<      echo "Found 7-zip"   
> else
>   echo "Found 7-zip"  
> fi
<   SIGNED="$(codesign -dv /usr/local/bin/gdb 2>&1)"
> SIGNED="$(codesign -dv /opt/local/bin/ggdb 2>&1)"
<   if [[ $SIGNED == *"object is not signed"* ]]
<   then
<      echo
<      echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger is not currently code signed." 
<      echo
<      echo "After install is complete you will be provided instructions on how to sign the" 
<      echo "debugger. This will allow it authorization to attach to programs for debugging."
<      echo
<      read -p "Press [ENTER] to continue"
<   fi
> if [[ $SIGNED == *"object is not signed"* ]]
> then
>   echo
>   echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger is not currently code signed." 
>   echo
>   echo "After install is complete you will be provided instructions on how to sign the" 
>   echo "debugger. This will allow it authorization to attach to programs for debugging."
>   echo
>   read -p "Press [ENTER] to continue"
< echo "It will install svn trunk builds of:"
> echo "It will install copies of:"
<   read CHOICE
>       read CHOICE
< ORIGIN="/Users/macuser/Development/Cocoa"
> ORIGIN="/Users/macuser/Development/FreePascal"
< replace "fpc/bin/x86_64-darwin" "$ORIGIN" "$BASE" "*.cfg" 
< replace "fpc/bin/x86_64-darwin" "$ORIGIN" "$BASE" "" 
> replace "fpc/bin" "$ORIGIN" "$BASE" "*.cfg" 
> TERMINAL="Free Pascal Terminal.command"
> echo "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\"" > "$TERMINAL"
> echo "    do script \"export PPC_CONFIG_PATH=\\\"$BASE/fpc/bin\\\" && export PATH=\\\"\$PPC_CONFIG_PATH:\$PATH\\\"\"" >> "$TERMINAL"
> echo "end tell'" >> "$TERMINAL"
> chmod +x "$TERMINAL"
< echo "Free Pascal $FPC with Lazarus $LAZ install complete"
> echo "Free Pascal 3.0 with Lazarus install complete"
<   open ""
>   open ""