sysrpl / Codebot.Setup

All the information and scripts used to setup a new cross platform development environment
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Script for installing Lazarus & FPC, can't recompile Lazarus #7

Open han-k59 opened 5 years ago

han-k59 commented 5 years ago

The script works great. Thanks! Unfortunally I can't install additional packages. Get error as below. fpcres is in the directory. FPC problem? Regards, Han Compile package cairocanvas_pkg 0.0: Success Compile package Printer4Lazarus 0.5: Success Build IDE: Exit code 2, Errors: 1, Warnings: 1 Warning: svn not in path. lazarus.pp(165,1) Error: Can't call the resource compiler "/home/pi/Development/FreePascal/fpc/bin/fpcres", switching to external mode

edgarrod71 commented 2 years ago


This is the universal OSX script to install Free Pascal and Lazarus

modified 2021 by for installing in Catalina

If you need to fix something and or want to contribute, send your

changes to sysrpl at codebot dot org with "osx free pascal install"

in the subject line.

Change the line below to define your own install folder


BASE can be whatever you want, but it should:

A) Be under your $HOME folder

B) Not already exist

TODO Prompt the user for the install folder and provide BASE as the default

Prevent this script from running as root

if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then echo "This script should not be run as root" exit 1 fi

FPC="3.0" LAZ="1.5" OS_TARGET="darwin" OS_VERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F "." '{print $2}')

Add port commands to the path if it's not already there

if [[ ! "$PATH" == "/opt/local/bin" ]]; then PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH fi

Begin block comment

if [ 1 -eq 0 ]; then

if [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 7 ]; then echo "Detected OSX Lion" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 8 ]; then echo "Detected OSX Mountain Lion" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 9 ]; then echo "Detected OSX Mavericks" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 10 ]; then echo "Detected OSX Yosemite" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 11 ]; then echo "Detected OSX El Capitain" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 12 ]; then echo "Detected MacOS Sierra" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 13 ]; then echo "Detected MacOS High Sierra" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 14 ]; then echo "Detected MacOs Tiger" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 15 ]; then echo "Detected MacOs Catalina" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 16 ]; then echo "Detected MacOS Big Sur" elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 17 ]; then echo "Detected MacOS Monterey" else echo "This installer does not recognize your OS" echo "done." echo exit 1 fi

if ! xcode-select -p &> /dev/null ; then echo "Setup has detected that xcode tools are not installed" read -p "Press [ENTER] to install xcode tools" sudo xcode-select --install &> /dev/null ; echo "Please wait for xcode tools to install" echo sleep 10s read -p "After code tools are installed press [ENTER] to continue" echo if ! xcode-select -p &> /dev/null ; then echo "Setup has detected that xcode tools were not completely installed" echo "Please wait for xcode tools to install and re-run this script" echo "done." echo fi else echo "Found xcode tools"

if ! port version &> /dev/null ; then echo "Setup has detected that macports is not installed" read -p "Press [ENTER] to install macports" echo "Please wait for macports to install" MACPORTS=/tmp/macports.pkg if [ ! -f "$MACPORTS" ]; then if [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 7 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 8 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 9 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 10 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 11 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 12 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 13 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 14 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 15 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 16 ]; then PKGURL= elif [ "$OS_VERSION" -eq 17 ]; then PKGURL= fi curl "$PKGURL" -o "$MACPORTS" fi open $MACPORTS echo sleep 10s read -p "After macports is installed press [ENTER] to continue" echo if ! port version &> /dev/null ; then echo "Setup has detected that macports was not completely installed" echo "Please wait for macports to install and re-run this script" echo "done." echo fi else echo "Found macports"

if ! ggdb --version &> /dev/null ; then echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger is not installed" read -p "Press [ENTER] to install the gnu debugger" sudo port install gdb echo if ! ggdb --version &> /dev/null ; then echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger did not install" echo "done." echo fi else echo "Found gnu debugger"

if ! 7za --help &> /dev/null ; then echo "Setup has detected that the 7-zip is not installed" read -p "Press [ENTER] to install 7-zip" sudo port install p7zip echo if ! 7za --help &> /dev/null ; then echo "Setup has detected that 7-zip did not install" echo "done." echo fi else echo "Found 7-zip"

SIGNED="$(codesign -dv /opt/local/bin/ggdb 2>&1)"

if [[ $SIGNED == "object is not signed" ]] then echo echo "Setup has detected that the gnu debugger is not currently code signed." echo echo "After install is complete you will be provided instructions on how to sign the" echo "debugger. This will allow it authorization to attach to programs for debugging." echo read -p "Press [ENTER] to continue" fi

Cross platform expandPath function

function expandPath() { if [ uname="Darwin" ]; then [[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}"; else echo $(readlink -m $1) fi }

Present a description of this script

clear echo "This is the universal OSX script to install Free Pascal and Lazarus" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo echo "It will install copies of:" echo " Free Pascal $FPC" echo " Lazarus $LAZ" echo echo "This script not interfere with your existing Lazarus environment" echo


Ask a series of questions

while true; do

Ask for an install location

echo "Enter an installation folder or press return to"
echo "accept the default install location"
echo -n "[$BASE]: "
    read CHOICE

# Use BASE as the default
if [ -z "$CHOICE" ]; then

# Allow for relative paths
CHOICE=`eval echo $CHOICE`
EXPAND=`expandPath "$CHOICE"`

# Allow install only under your home folder
if [[ $EXPAND == $HOME* ]]; then
    echo "The install folder will be:"
    echo "$EXPAND"
    echo "The install folder must be under your personal home folder"

# Confirm their choice
echo -n "Continue? (y,n): "

case $CHOICE in
        echo "done."
        exit 1

# If folder already exists ask to remove it
if [ -d "$EXPAND" ]; then
    echo "Directory already exist"
    echo -n "Remove the entire folder and overwrite? (y,n): "
    read CHOICE
    case $CHOICE in
            rm -rf $EXPAND
            echo "done."
            exit 1



Create the folder

BASE=$EXPAND mkdir -p "$BASE"

Exit if the folder could not be created

if [ ! -d "$BASE" ]; then echo "Could not create directory" echo echo "done." echo exit 1; fi


Download and extract the archive

ARCHIVE="fpc-$FPC.$OS_TARGET.7z" curl "$ARCHIVE" -o "$ARCHIVE" 7za x "$ARCHIVE" rm "$ARCHIVE"


End block comment

function Replace(folder, search, replace, filespec)

function replace() { cd "$BASE/$1" shift SEARCH=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[*.]/\&/g') SEARCH=$(echo "$SEARCH" | sed 's/\//\\//g') shift REPLACE=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[*.]/\&/g') REPLACE=$(echo "$REPLACE" | sed 's/\//\\//g') shift

Replace using perl

perl -pi -w -e "s/${SEARCH}/${REPLACE}/g;" $1 &> /dev/null


ORIGIN="/Users/macuser/Development/FreePascal" replace "lazarus/config" "$ORIGIN" "$BASE" "." replace "lazarus/" "$ORIGIN" "$BASE" "lazarus" replace "fpc/bin" "$ORIGIN" "$BASE" "*.cfg" echo

cd $BASE ditto ./lazarus/ ./ cd $BASE

TERMINAL="Free Pascal Terminal.command" echo "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\"" > "$TERMINAL" echo " do script \"export PPC_CONFIG_PATH=\\"$BASE/fpc/bin\\" && export PATH=\\"\$PPC_CONFIG_PATH:\$PATH\\"\"" >> "$TERMINAL" echo "end tell'" >> "$TERMINAL" chmod +x "$TERMINAL"

Count this as an install

function hit() { if type "curl" > /dev/null; then curl -s -o /dev/null "$1" elif type "wget" > /dev/null; then wget -q -O /dev/null "$1" fi

hit ""

echo "Free Pascal 3.0 with Lazarus install complete"

if [[ $SIGNED == "object is not signed" ]] then echo echo "The gnu debugger is not currently code signed" echo echo "Read for instructions on" echo "how to code sign the debugger" echo open "" echo fi

open "$BASE" cd $CURRENT