sysrpl / JsonTools

A small pascal based json parser in one unit with no dependencies
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Error while parsing \"\" #11

Closed skrzacikus closed 3 years ago

skrzacikus commented 5 years ago

Your parser gives error when there is \"\" in JSON value. i.e. {"test": "one \"\"two\"\" three"}

I managed to avoid error replacing \"\" with \" before parsing JSON. But it would be nice if your parser would deal with this.

lainz commented 4 years ago

Confirmed, we have the same problem

I fixed like this, but must be another solution

  Json2: string;
  Json2 := StringReplace(Json, '\"\"', '\"', [rfReplaceAll]);
  C := PChar(Json2);    
Hansaplast commented 4 years ago


mikedixonphoto commented 4 years ago

I ran into this issue today. If the Json string (a property value) contains title="" it is encoded as title=\"\" which the parser chokes on. If there is a space between the two \"\" there isn't a problem. I found this when my property value was a description containing an HTML link.

synopse commented 3 years ago

I confirm this. TryParse('["XS\"\"\"."]') fails, whereas this is valid JSON.

My quick fix was a dirty goto (the fastest to write):

      if C^ = '"'  then
    fix:  Inc(C);
          if C^ = '\' then
            if C^ = '"' then
              goto fix
            else if C^ = 'u' then

The library should have more testing.

If you are interested, some benchmarks against other libraries at,46533.msg413367.html#msg413367

     jsontools in 51.41ms, 38.1 MB/s
     fpjson in 79.36ms, 24.7 MB/s
     SuperObject in 187.79ms, 10.4 MB/s
     mORMot 2 TDocVariant in 118.81ms, 165 MB/s
     mORMot 2 TOrmTableJson in 41.26ms, 475.1 MB/s
     mORMot 2 DynArrayLoadJson in 62.02ms, 316 MB/s
sysrpl commented 3 years ago

Fixing in pending update. Thanks for reporting.