syssi / esphome-soyosource-gtn-virtual-meter

ESPHome component to simulate the current clamp to control the Soyosource GTN1200 limiter
Apache License 2.0
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Soyosource doesn't respond on RS485 connection #81

Closed dowermyr closed 1 year ago

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Hi! Everything is now set up but I don't get any coomunication from the inverter. Only the TX diod is blinking. This is my setup:

  name: soyosource-l3
  device_description: "Monitor a Soyosource GTN and control the power output on demand both via RS485"
  external_components_source: github://syssi/esphome-soyosource-gtn-virtual-meter@main
  tx_pin: GPIO1
  rx_pin: GPIO3

  name: ${name}
  comment: ${device_description}
    name: "syssi.esphome-soyosource-gtn-virtual-meter"
    version: 1.1.0

  board: nodemcuv2

  - source: ${external_components_source}
    refresh: 0s

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


# If you use Home Assistant please remove this `mqtt` section and uncomment the `api` component!
#  broker: !secret mqtt_host
#  username: !secret mqtt_username
#  password: !secret mqtt_password
#  id: mqtt_client

  baud_rate: 0

  baud_rate: 4800
  tx_pin: ${tx_pin}
  rx_pin: ${rx_pin}

  # Optional settings
  # The name is used as prefix for some log messages and should
  # help to distinguish between different instances/devices
  name: inverter_l3


  # The state of this sensor (instantaneous power in watt) is used as source
  power_id: powermeter

  # Optional settings
  power_sensor_inactivity_timeout: 20s
  power_demand_calculation: NEGATIVE_MEASUREMENTS_REQUIRED
  min_power_demand: 0
  max_power_demand: 900
  # Split/distribute the power demand if you have multiple inverters attached to the same RS485 bus
  power_demand_divider: 1
  # A positive buffer value (10) tries to avoid exporting power to the grid (demand - 10 watts)
  # A negative buffer value (-10) exports power to the grid (demand + 10 watts)
  buffer: 10
  # The operation_mode_id sensor is expected here. Passing the operation_mode won't work
  # The state is used to suspend the limiter if the operation mode of the inverter isn't 0x0 (normal)
  operation_mode_id: operation_mode_id

  # The update interval is important and defaults to 3 seconds. If the demand is sent too frequently
  # or rarely the interverter stops. TODO: Identify and validate the lower and upper update limit
  update_interval: 3s

  - platform: soyosource_inverter
      name: "${name} fan running"

  - platform: soyosource_virtual_meter
      name: "${name} power demand"

  - platform: soyosource_inverter
      name: "${name} operation mode id"
      id: operation_mode_id
      name: "${name} battery voltage"
      name: "${name} battery current"
      name: "${name} battery power"
      name: "${name} ac voltage"
      name: "${name} ac frequency"
      name: "${name} temperature"

  # mqtt subscribe example
 # - id: powermeter
 #   internal: true
 #   platform: mqtt_subscribe
 #   name: "${name} instantaneous power consumption"
 #   topic: "smartmeter/sensor/groundfloor/obis/1-0:16.7.0/255/value"
 #   accuracy_decimals: 2
 #   unit_of_measurement: W
 #   device_class: power
 #   filters:
 #     - throttle_average: 15s

#  # import smartmeter reading from homeassistant
#  # requires the "api" component see above
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: powermeter
    name: "${name} smartmeter"
    entity_id: sensor.smartmeter_l3
      - throttle_average: 10s

  - platform: soyosource_inverter
      name: "${name} operation mode"
  - platform: soyosource_virtual_meter
      name: "${name} operation mode"

  - platform: soyosource_virtual_meter
      name: "${name} manual power demand"
      name: "${name} max power demand"
      initial_value: 600
      restore_value: true

  - platform: soyosource_virtual_meter
      name: "${name} manual mode"
      restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
      name: "${name} emergency power off"
      restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
# Enable Home Assistant API
dowermyr commented 1 year ago

I also get this in the log:

[12:41:55][W][soyosource_inverter:113]: 'inverter_l3': The inverter didn't respond to the last 15 status requests

syssi commented 1 year ago

There are some Soyosource inverters which doesn't respond to requests. Do you own the WiFi version with the pink mainboard?

syssi commented 1 year ago


dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Yes, I have the model without the LCD-screen and with the USB-wifi dongle

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

That thread is mostly in German. Is there a way to fix this? I have the ct-clamps and the controller to them. Maybe I can fake the CT?. Or should i go with a different setup?

syssi commented 1 year ago

The virtual limiter should/will work nevertheless (TX-only). Your inverter model is just unable to respond to the limiter request.

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Ok. Thats too bad. I wanted to read out some things

syssi commented 1 year ago

In your case I recommend this setup:

  1. Replace the WiFi dongle with an alternative solution f.e. an ESP8266 + a level shifter because of the 5V TTL:
  2. Flash this example configuration to the WiFi dongle replacement:
  3. You are now able to monitor the inverter and change settings using the display port of the inverter.
  4. Connect a RS485 module to the WiFi dongle replacement and attach the RS485 module to the CT-Clamp-RS485-Port. You are able to control the power output of the inverter now.
syssi commented 1 year ago

In the past the Soyosource firmware did provide a status frame (voltage + current + power) via RS485. The WiFi-Dongle-Version of the inverter doesn't respond to any RS485 requests anymore but the RS485 limiter request is processed nevertheless.

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

I have some esp8266 and some rs485-ttl cards. But where is the display port? Do you meen the USB-port?

syssi commented 1 year ago

Yes. The USB port isn't an USB bus. It provides power (5V, GND) + a serial line (RX, TX).

Some details about the WiFi dongle + USB port:

syssi commented 1 year ago

Please keep in mind: The logic level of the serial line (on the USB port) is 5V. There is a risk if you connect the GPIOs of an ESP8266 directly.

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Ok. But Then I can use my nodemcu 8266 and the modbus-ttl board with an adapter to usb? Maybe I don't need to connect the 5V pin in the USB?

And can't I control the power output through that? Do I really need another rs485 with the CT-controller?

syssi commented 1 year ago
  1. Let's assume you don't power your ESP8266 via the inverter (5V of the USB port): The voltage level of the TX signal (from the inverter) is still 5V. This voltage can harm the ESP.
  2. You can control/change the "max power output setting" of the inverter using the display port (protocol) but I cannot recommend to the change this settings very often. This will wear out a internal flash of the inverter.
syssi commented 1 year ago

Please feel free to ask more questions. It looks like all details aren't clear yet.

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Hmm. This way is very complicated. I will see how I proceed. One other problem is that the app that works with the wifi dongle doesn't work on my Andoid. It keeps crashing. So right now I can't read out any settings.

But for now I think I will go with just sending the power output. I will see if it works when my batteries are connected

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

What do you think about this?

Together with a esp8266

syssi commented 1 year ago

I think you didn't understand one important detail: The USB connector of the Soyosource looks like an USB port but it isn't. The 4 pins of the connector exposes GND, VCC, TX and RX (UART-TTL). There is no D+/D- of an USB bus. IMO you don't need to look for real USB devices. ;-)

syssi commented 1 year ago

This is the schematics:


  1. Use a ESP8266
  2. Connect a level shifter to shift the logic level from the ESP (3.3V) to the logic level of the inverter (5V)
  3. Cut off a USB connector and connect the 4 wires to the level shifter (GND, VCC, RX, TX)

Instead of using a level shifter you could try to use a voltage divider (resistors).

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Ok, thanks! I will get some level shifters! ( Got 3 inverters)

syssi commented 1 year ago

The schematics above is the replacement for the WiFi dongle only. If you want to control the limiter you have to / could assign the RS485 module to the same ESP. Monitoring & driving 3 inverters with a single ESP8266 will be tricky because you need 6 UART interfaces in total: 3x Display + 3x RS485.

syssi commented 1 year ago

I prefer this ESP board because the level shifter is part of the PCB:

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Ok. I got a bunch of nodemcu esp8266 already though

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Hi! How do I control a RS485 on the same esp8266 ? My nodemcu only has one tx/rx pin?

syssi commented 1 year ago

ESPHome uses a SoftwareSerial implementation if you assign the UART component to any other GPIO (which doesn't support hardware UART).

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Hi! Do you have a picture or something of the USB connector, so I know what pin is what on the USB side

syssi commented 1 year ago

Please use a multimeter and measure the voltage at the outer pins. If the voltage is positive you have identified to orientation properly. If you cut off an USB cable you could stick to the color scheme of the cable in best case (red=VCC, black=GND, ...). See photo above.

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

This is the schematics:


  1. Use a ESP8266
  2. Connect a level shifter to shift the logic level from the ESP (3.3V) to the logic level of the inverter (5V)
  3. Cut off a USB connector and connect the 4 wires to the level shifter (GND, VCC, RX, TX)

Instead of using a level shifter you could try to use a voltage divider (resistors).

Hi! could i skip the 5V and gnd in the leveshifter and attach to the Vin 5v pin ang gnd directly to the esp? It should work right? Bacause I have done that and I dont get any readings...

syssi commented 1 year ago

Could you provide a photo of your setup?

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

20221003_125201 20221003_125209

I changed to GPIO13 and 15 as I read that nodemcu preferably uses them?

dowermyr commented 1 year ago


dowermyr commented 1 year ago
  name: "soyosource-l3"
  device_description: "Monitor and control the WiFi version of the Soyosource GTN via the TTL-WIFI port and control the power output on demand via RS485"
  external_components_source: github://syssi/esphome-soyosource-gtn-virtual-meter@main
  tx_pin_ttl_wifi: GPIO15
  rx_pin_ttl_wifi: GPIO13
  tx_pin_rs485: GPIO1
  rx_pin_rs485: GPIO3

  name: ${name}
  comment: ${device_description}
    name: "syssi.esphome-soyosource-gtn-virtual-meter"
    version: 1.1.0

  board: nodemcuv2

  - source: ${external_components_source}
    refresh: 0s

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


# If you use Home Assistant please remove this `mqtt` section and uncomment the `api` component!
#  broker: !secret mqtt_host
#  username: !secret mqtt_username
#  password: !secret mqtt_password
#  id: mqtt_client


  level: INFO

# Please be careful: The display port has a logic level of 5V.
  - id: uart0
    baud_rate: 9600
    tx_pin: ${tx_pin_ttl_wifi}
    rx_pin: ${rx_pin_ttl_wifi}

  - id: uart1
    baud_rate: 4800
    tx_pin: ${tx_pin_rs485}
    rx_pin: ${rx_pin_rs485}

  - id: modbus0
    uart_id: uart1

  - id: virtualmeter0
    soyosource_modbus_id: modbus0
    update_interval: 3s

    # the state of this sensor (instantaneous power in watt) is used as source
    power_id: powermeter0
    power_sensor_inactivity_timeout: 20s
    power_demand_calculation: NEGATIVE_MEASUREMENTS_REQUIRED
    min_power_demand: 0
    max_power_demand: 900
    # A positive buffer value (10) tries to avoid exporting power to the grid (demand - 10 watts)
    # A negative buffer value (-10) exports power to the grid (demand + 10 watts)
    buffer: 10

  uart_id: uart0
  update_interval: 5s

  - platform: soyosource_display
      name: "${name} fan running"
      name: "${name} limiter connected"

  - platform: soyosource_display
      name: "${name} restart"

  - platform: soyosource_display
      name: "${name} start voltage"
      name: "${name} shutdown voltage"
    # Maximum output power in limiter mode / Output power in constant power mode
      name: "${name} output power limit"
      name: "${name} start delay"

  - platform: soyosource_display
      name: "${name} operation mode"
        1: "PV"
        2: "Battery Constant Power"
        17: "PV Limit"
        18: "Battery Limit"

  - platform: template
    name: "dummy powermeter"
    id: powermeter0
    update_interval: 2s
    lambda: |-
      return 80.0;

  - platform: soyosource_display
      name: "${name} error bitmask"
      name: "${name} operation mode id"
      name: "${name} operation status id"
      name: "${name} battery voltage"
      name: "${name} battery current"
      name: "${name} battery power"
      name: "${name} ac voltage"
      name: "${name} ac frequency"
      name: "${name} temperature"
      name: "${name} output power"

  - platform: soyosource_display
      name: "${name} errors"
      name: "${name} operation mode"
      name: "${name} operation status"
syssi commented 1 year ago

Could you provide a link to your level shifter? I would like to make sure it's uni- or bidirectional.

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

syssi commented 1 year ago

The level shifter looks good (is birectional). You can find some important details here:

IMO it's just important to power the level shifter 2 times / from both sides (LV = low voltage = 3.3V and HV = high voltage = 5V). I would power the complete setup (ESP) using the 5V pin of the inverter.

USB con       NodeMCU         Level Shifter

5V <-------> VIN ESP <---------> HV   LV <----> 3.3V pin of the ESP
TX <---------------------------> HV1  LV1 <---> RX pin
RX <---------------------------> HV2  LV2 <---> TX pin
GND <------> GND ESP <---------> GND  GND <---> GND
syssi commented 1 year ago

If it doesn't work out of the box please swap RX/TX once:

  tx_pin_ttl_wifi: GPIO13
  rx_pin_ttl_wifi: GPIO15
# vs.
  tx_pin_ttl_wifi: GPIO13
  rx_pin_ttl_wifi: GPIO15
dowermyr commented 1 year ago

[14:05:01][W][uart.arduino_esp8266:127]: You're using the same serial port for logging and the UART component. Please disable logging over the serial port by setting logger->baud_rate to 0.

syssi commented 1 year ago

The logger component uses GPIO1/GPIO3 per default. You have attached the uart component to this GPIOs too. Please disable the serial output of the logger by:

  level: INFO
  baud_rate: 0
dowermyr commented 1 year ago

That didn't help either

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Is this baudrate correct?

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Noticed I got a voltage drop from the USB 5V on the inverter. So i will hook up a external 5V powersupply and check again

syssi commented 1 year ago

The display port baudrate is correct (9600 baud). The voltage drop is strange because the WiFi dongle is equipped with an AMS (5v to 3.3V voltage regulator) and an ESP8266 too.

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Maybe bad connection when probing. But now I've tried external 5v power. No difference. Can't figure out what's wrong

syssi commented 1 year ago

Some more ideas:

  1. Make sure the OEM WiFi dongle is able to talk to the inverter. If this doesn't work please check the cable between the USB socket and the mainboard. There should be a white plug.
  2. Pick another ESP8266 and connect GPIO14 and GPIO12 directly (without level shifter) to RX/TX of the display port. The ESP should survive the 5V level just for testing. Does this simple setup work?
  3. Enable the debug output of the uart component to make all serial traffic visible at the log. The log can be consumed via WiFi even if you set the baud_rate of the serial output to 0.
dowermyr commented 1 year ago

The run light on the oem dongle is blinking green

syssi commented 1 year ago

Green blinking means it receives periodic data from the inverter. Thats good!

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Tried all three methods. Noting.... Here is a log from ESP logs_inverter-l3_logs.txt I will activate debug and come back to you

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Here is a new log logs_inverter-l3_logs (1).txt

syssi commented 1 year ago

I've prepared a simplified version of the configuration yaml to get the display port communication running:

  name: soyosource-l3
  device_description: "Monitor and control the WiFi version of the Soyosource GTN via the TTL-WIFI port and control the power output on demand via RS485"
  external_components_source: github://syssi/esphome-soyosource-gtn-virtual-meter@main
  tx_pin_ttl_wifi: GPIO14
  rx_pin_ttl_wifi: GPIO12

  name: ${name}
  comment: ${device_description}
    name: "syssi.esphome-soyosource-gtn-virtual-meter"
    version: 1.1.0

  board: nodemcuv2

  - source: ${external_components_source}
    refresh: 0s

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


  level: DEBUG
    api.service: WARN
    ota: WARN
    sensor: DEBUG

# Please be careful: The display port has a logic level of 5V.
  - id: uart0
    baud_rate: 9600
    tx_pin: ${tx_pin_ttl_wifi}
    rx_pin: ${rx_pin_ttl_wifi}
      direction: BOTH

  uart_id: uart0
  update_interval: 5s

  - platform: soyosource_display
      name: "${name} fan running"
      name: "${name} limiter connected"

  - platform: soyosource_display
      name: "${name} error bitmask"
      name: "${name} operation mode id"
      name: "${name} operation status id"
      name: "${name} battery voltage"
      name: "${name} battery current"
      name: "${name} battery power"
      name: "${name} ac voltage"
      name: "${name} ac frequency"
      name: "${name} temperature"
      name: "${name} output power"

Please attach RX (GPIO12), TX (GPIO14) and GND directly to your display port. These lines are indicating outgoing traffic:

[18:06:45][D][uart_debug:114]: >>> 55:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:FE

We are looking for incoming traffic:

[18:06:45][D][uart_debug:114]: <<< ....

If you don't see incoming traffic please swap RX and TX another time and try again. You could swap the wires or just change the YAML (+ compile & flash again).

dowermyr commented 1 year ago

Woohoo! Got it working now. Swaped the RX and TX in the yaml. Don't know why it didn't work before? Now I need to get it running together with RS485.

Thinking of soldering every wire because I don't trust the jumper cables. And maybe istall the level shifter?? logs_test_logs.txt