platform: xiaomi_miio
name: Aqara Air Conditioning Companion
token: 4b70a67082968a1bc723127832e92921
target_sensor: sensor.temperature_158d000254dc5e <--- it not show in state panel
scan_interval: 60
When i check status:
current_temperature: null
min_temp: 16
max_temp: 30
temperature: 255 <--- wrong temp
target_temp_step: 1
fan_mode: auto
fan_list: low,medium,high,auto
operation_mode: Heat
operation_list: heat,cool,auto,dehumidify,ventilate
swing_mode: On
swing_list: on,off,unknown
ac_model: 010500000000000000
load_power: 0
fan_speed: Auto
led: true
friendly_name: Aqara Air Conditioning Companion
supported_features: 4801
What can i now? Please help me
The sensor.temperature_158d000254dc5e must be replaced with one of your temperature sensor providing the room temperature. The thermostat/implementation requires an external temperature source!
My configuration.yaml xiaomi_aqara: discovery_retry: 5 gateways:
default: warn
homeassistant.components.xiaomi_aqara.binary_sensor: debug
homeassistant.components.xiaomi_aqara: debug
xiaomi_gateway: debug climate:
When i check status: climate.aqara_air_conditioning_companion