system-ui / theme-ui

Build consistent, themeable React apps based on constraint-based design principles
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Convert to TypeScript #668

Closed mxstbr closed 3 years ago

mxstbr commented 4 years ago

Based on the discussions around #121 and the test we just merged in #662, we are going to convert theme-ui to TypeScript! :tada: The plan is to go package-by-package and gradually move all .js files to .ts files.

As you can see there is a fair amount of packages to convert, so we would love your help! :muscle:

Here is how to convert a package (take a look at #662 for an example):

  1. Add the --tsconfig tsconfig.json option to the "prepare" and "watch" commands in the package.json and copy the tsconfig.json from the core package.
  2. Add "types": "dist/index.d.ts" and "source": "src/index.ts" to the package.json
  3. Go file-by-file, rename them from .js to .ts and fix all type errors and any types in the generated typedef (dist/index.d.ts).
  4. Submit a PR and tag me as a reviewer!

To avoid duplicate work please comment which package you want to work on (as long as nobody else is also working on it) so we can mark it as taken.

Packages that still need to be converted:

These packages will be handled separately (see #950)

jxnblk commented 4 years ago

Awesome work on this so far! For the preset packages, I wonder if it'd make sense to make a generic theme interface that most of these could follow, or at least use as a base interface

hasparus commented 4 years ago

For every package which is typed in DT, we’ll have to clean up and remove it from DT after merge to master. This would be components and theme-ui.

I’m gonna take color (#672).

I'll add strict: true to its tsconfig if you don't have anything against it.

--strict boolean false Enable all strict type checking options. Enabling --strict enables --noImplicitAny, --noImplicitThis, --alwaysStrict, --strictBindCallApply, --strictNullChecks, --strictFunctionTypes and --strictPropertyInitialization.
LekoArts commented 4 years ago

I'm gonna take:

hasparus commented 4 years ago

I'm thinking about taking a stab at typing @theme-ui/css. Am I right that the css function is wrongly typed in DT?

import { Interpolation, SerializedStyles } from '@emotion/serialize';
import { SystemStyleObject } from '@styled-system/css';

// ...

 * A utility from @styled-system/css for theming styles to be passed to Emotion's
 * css prop.
 * Refer:
 * 1.
 * 2.
export function css(styleObject: Interpolation): (theme: Theme) => SerializedStyles;

 * The `sx` prop accepts a `SxStyleProp` object and properties that are part of
 * the `Theme` will be transformed to their corresponding values. Other valid
 * CSS properties are also allowed.
export type SxStyleProp = SystemStyleObject;

However the docs say: image

So styleObject should be annotated as SystemStyleObject.

Zolwiastyl commented 4 years ago

I want to work on "preset-base" package.

jxnblk commented 4 years ago

@hasparus I'm not 100% sure, but I suspect the DT typings might be a little outdated -- I think the typings for this should be completely contained within the theme-ui repo and not rely on Styled System, since that was part of the older implementation. It now uses @theme-ui/css (@styled-system/css will be deprecated in favor of @theme-ui/css at some point)

joestrouth1 commented 4 years ago

I'd like to take tailwind and tachyons since they're pretty similar.

How should we handle updating tests to TS?

PaulieScanlon commented 4 years ago

I’d like to give components a go if that’s ok with everybody?

hasparus commented 4 years ago

Hey @PaulieScanlon just fyi, there is a package in DT for components. It may be useful to you.

PaulieScanlon commented 4 years ago

@hasparus hey, wow yeah that’s looks pretty complete! Is it just a case of moving it over and maybe just checking it’s online with the patterns core has set out?

mxstbr commented 4 years ago

I want to work on "preset-base" package. I'd like to take tailwind and tachyons since they're pretty similar. I’d like to give components a go if that’s ok with everybody?

Do it! :100:

How should we handle updating tests to TS?

Once #672 lands we will be using ts-jest to run all our tests, so then we can also rewrite the tests with TypeScript! 👍 Follow here:

Is it just a case of moving it over and maybe just checking it’s online with the patterns core has set out?

Kinda, but we don't want the index.d.ts file in the repo we want the code itself to be written in TypeScript. I would start by renaming the file from .js to .ts and then using the types in definitelytyped to fill everything out!

mxstbr commented 4 years ago

Another todo:

mxstbr commented 4 years ago

I will do color-modes next!

dburles commented 4 years ago

Please don't convert everything to Typescript!

LA1CH3 commented 4 years ago

Love the project, looking to contribute- I'll take a stab at mdx to start if no one has claimed it.

mxstbr commented 4 years ago

@LA1CH3 do it! 👍

Zolwiastyl commented 4 years ago

I can work on gatsby-plugin-theme-ui as no one has claimed it yet.

dburles commented 4 years ago

I am sorry for my "off-topic" comment, admittedly made as a knee-jerk reaction to coming across this issue. The thing is, I've been using theme-ui since its inception and have also been a fairly active contributor. I care a lot about the project because I really believe in the ideas behind it.

However, I feel like this decision was made without thought to perhaps give time to gain feedback from the community and contributors. While I have no doubt that it's likely most people would favour TypeScript (at least at this point in time), I still think it would have been a reasonable thing to do, as there are valid reasons to stick with JavaScript too! Also, I've been aware of #121 for a while and up until a week ago, it's mostly been discussion around exporting type definitions.

It seems like we are at the point now where it's no longer even a question whether it's reasonable to just drop JavaScript in an existing codebase and swap everything over to TypeScript. To me at least, that doesn't feel right. Anyway that's just my 2c!

jxnblk commented 4 years ago

@dburles I hear you, and I'm sorry it feels that way. We really love all the contributions you've done so far!

I think this might be due to a bit of private/internal discussion around the matter, and we should have been better about documenting this in the public repo. I'll try to outline some of our thinking with this move:

In the future, we'll try to be better about publicly disclosing bigger decisions like this so that the community can discuss in the open. We dropped the ball here, and I apologize for that.

Hope that helps clarify some of our thinking here, but let me know if you have any questions

hasparus commented 4 years ago

I'd like to take gatsby-plugin-theme-ui.

velein commented 4 years ago

I'd give a shot to gatsby-theme-code-recipes & gatsby-theme-ui-blog

hasparus commented 4 years ago

hey I've noticed a minor issue @mxstbr

  1. We have a TypeScript error -- external lib typings are missing and need to be installed from DT. yarn add @types/something ez.
  2. prepare script is ran on local npm install. It's used to build the libraries.
  3. The build fails, because @types/something is missing 💃

I have no better idea than adding following to the package package.json.

    "prepare": "npm run build || true",
    "test": "tsc --noEmit" // or even "npm run build" just to be sure
dburles commented 4 years ago

@dburles I hear you, and I'm sorry it feels that way. We really love all the contributions you've done so far!

@jxnblk Thanks, I enjoy helping out!

Also, thanks for taking the time to outline the thinking behind the refactor. I won't pose questions on the decision as it would be counterproductive. I just hope that it was given adequate thought during the internal discussions and that it ultimately works out for the better.

In the future, we'll try to be better about publicly disclosing bigger decisions like this so that the community can discuss in the open. We dropped the ball here, and I apologize for that.

That would be great, I feel like the project is at the scale where that would make sense. Also, on a semi related note, I’d love to see a public roadmap to version 1.0 (if one does not already exist).

hasparus commented 4 years ago

I didn't claim theme-ui but I kinda added TypeScript there 😅

mxstbr commented 4 years ago

prepare script is ran on local npm install. It's used to build the libraries.

Do I understand you correctly that when any users npm install theme-ui we re-build the package once the files are downloaded? If so, we should for sure not be doing that, right?

hasparus commented 4 years ago

prepare script is ran on local npm install. It's used to build the libraries.

Do I understand you correctly that when any users npm install theme-ui we re-build the package once the files are downloaded? If so, we should for sure not be doing that, right?

I think this doesn't happen. What I meant by "local npm install" is when a contributor to theme-ui installs packages.

From npm scripts docs.

  • prepare: Run both BEFORE the package is packed and published, on local npm install without any arguments, and when installing git dependencies (See below). This is run AFTER prepublish, but BEFORE prepublishOnly.
  • install, postinstall: Run AFTER the package is installed.

So prepare runs only for contributors, postinstall is the one you can use for ads.

tsc doesn't exactly fit prepare step, because one can update a package to fix a TypeScript error.\ tsc || true would, but then we'd have to run typecheck in test phase.

Edit: TBH maybe I'm doing something wrong, because reading the "local npm install without any arguments" I understand prepare should not run unless I edit package version manually and then run yarn (not sure if yarn-interactive doesn't also trigger it).

jxnblk commented 4 years ago

Could use some help here in #752 -- when I try to run yarn test locally, I'm seeing some TS-related errors. I'm not sure if the other PR tests failing are related, but was wondering if anyone could confirm whether or not tests are passing on master. This commit looks like when it started, but I'm not as familiar with tsconfig.json configuration

hasparus commented 4 years ago

Hey @jxnblk, making the root tsconfig strict might be a bit too fast right now, let me take a look to make sure.

Yup, oh right. It works like this:

  1. All tsconfigs seem to be correct. Running tsc --noEmit to typecheck in all packages would work.
  2. We run tests globally, and Jest just doesn't care about our tsconfigs. He takes the one from the root, and merges it with with tests overrides (packageJson.jest.globals["ts-jest"].tsConfig)

I'll loosen up the rules in test overrides.

We could actually disable typechecking in tests at all, and run sth like lerna run typecheck on CI.

jxnblk commented 4 years ago

@hasparus thanks for looking into this! I'll defer to others with more TS experience, but it seems like typechecking in tests would be helpful -- or at least an easy way to make sure the whole monorepo is working as expected with a single script/command

hasparus commented 4 years ago

Here's the PR (

seems like typechecking in tests would be helpful -- or at least an easy way to make sure the whole monorepo is working as expected with a single script/command

Yup, I totally agree. I don't have any other idea how to respect package tsconfigs than to decouple typechecking from Jest and run it before or after tests. I'll send you a PR to explain what I mean.

hasparus commented 4 years ago

BTW did the build get much slower than it used to be?

jxnblk commented 4 years ago

Heads up, I've just published 0.4.0-alpha.0, available with the @next npm tag. If you'd like to test this out in existing projects, feel free to report any issues you encounter

hasparus commented 4 years ago

TODO for color-modes: Use declaration merging on theme-ui/core context value to add colorMode and setColorMode to the type.

beerose commented 4 years ago

I will take prism package.

Edit: PR:

beerose commented 4 years ago

I will also take style-guide package.

cyrilchapon commented 4 years ago

As my first Typescript and decent-sized Open Source project contribution; I'm gonna give a try to theme-ui/typography 🙂

cyrilchapon commented 4 years ago

Here are the first commits :


Ok; I'm facing a trouble; maybe someone here can help me :S (posting here as this is cross-package I believe)

As I needed some libs types (currently unpublished on DT); I decided to:

This config seems to be working like a charm for the build... but not for the tests ! And indeed; looking at jest configuration, I can see it doesn't even use tsconfig; and is by nature not extendable in child packages (without wizardry). Furthermore; even using the tsconfig.json wouldn't help; because typesRoots is not even correctly hoisted (see this)

Is there any chance we adopt a pattern that let us write types declarations for libs locally inside packages ? If not; maybe globally for the whole monorepo ?

hasparus commented 4 years ago

Yeah, the tests are configured globally. I've encountered a similar problem

I have two questions I'll investigate.

I'll try poking around on your branch to see if I can find out any solution.

Another workaround idea is -- your /types directory is 3 shiny DT PRs waiting to be sent for extra internet points. This may be sweeping the problem under the rug tho.

Edit: BTW I'm getting a syntax error on import type.

(rpt2 plugin) Error: D:/workspace/theme-ui/packages/typography/src/to-theme.ts(6,13): syntax error TS1005 '=' expected.
Error: D:/workspace/theme-ui/packages/typography/src/to-theme.ts(6,13): syntax error TS1005 '=' expected

We should update Babel to 7.9.0 if we're using it. image (and probably add TypeScript 3.8.0 to resolutions?)

Edit: I don't think we can use types directory. Our emitted types will contain imports to untyped libraries and our types dir isn't published. Then, anything we use these types with becomes any. I think we should either move these types to our .ts files and comment that they describe another library or wait until they get merged to DefinitelyTyped. I'd like to be wrong on this.

cc @cyrilchapon

cyrilchapon commented 4 years ago

@hasparus thanks for your answer

Wouldn't duplicating /types include in test tsconfig work around this issue? It would be repeated twice, so it's not super not-DRY.

You lost me. Are you talking about using typesRoots in jest config (package.json) ? If so; the pain point is typesRoots config property is not hoisted when extending another tsconfig... (see linked issue in my previous comment). Thus; even placing it on jest config wouldn't help (if one feels like extending the root tsconfig.json). The discussion is actually broader; as any other tsconfig property is currently not being shared between tsconfig and jest-ts-config. I think we could think about an - thus extendable - jest.tsconfig.json instead of hardcoding it in package.json; or even having an external jest.config.js. This would mitigate this. Key points are :

Can we even use /types directory to define missing library typings when we are building a library? Does it land in user's node_modules?

Well; good catch. Did you test to build and see output to validate that any stuff ? That's a pretty disapointing behavior 😢 But still; we can mix the 2 approaches : define the DT-like types in /types (if we allow it internaly); and just export type { Type1, Type2 } from 'the-lib' them. Same result you proposed; but in a structured way. I'm sure of the previous syntax; but maybe even this following could work : export type * from 'the-lib' (untested)

As for export type / import type; good catch. I was wondering. Jest not being that-helpful when it comes to TS errors.

EDIT: and as for DT PRs; I planned to do it... before discovering we have like 30 un-typed themes that each would resolve to a single DT PR 😄 See this

hasparus commented 4 years ago

I'm sure of the previous syntax; but maybe even this following could work : export type * from 'the-lib' (untested)

I'm afraid we can't reexport them, because the-lib isn't typed in user's computer. We'd need some rollup magic to actually inline this, so it's probably better to do it manually or wait for DT merge. 😢

If so; do we allow ourselves to do same with jest-typescript-config ? (I think we have to, if we allow the first bullet)

The problem we have is that the current test config is really simple -- we run jest once for all packages instead of once per package.

You lost me. Are you talking about using typesRoots in jest config (package.json) ? If so; the pain point is typesRoots config property is not hoisted when extending another tsconfig... (see linked issue in my previous comment). Thus; even placing it on jest config wouldn't help (if one feels like extending the root tsconfig.json).

To work around hoisting we could just write it twice, actually include all external typedefs in jest tsconfig include/typeRoots.

However, I believe this is a non-issue. We can't use it anyway. Here's a repro Notice the type error in

cyrilchapon commented 4 years ago

Ok got it. My PRs will be merged soon I guess, so we should be fine for now

dcastil commented 4 years ago

I'll convert try the editor. 😊

jxnblk commented 4 years ago

Just realized I forgot to roll some of the discussion here back into this thread. For this TS conversion, hold off on converting any of the Gatsby plugins or themes because Gatsby consumes these directly (not a compiled version) and there's some advantage to keeping the source code in JS for the shadowing API. We'll need to figure out how to handle that separately in the future when Gatsby supports TS plugins natively. Let me know if anyone has any questions about that

hasparus commented 4 years ago

Hej @jxnblk, doesn't solve this for us? I didn't check yet, but since we had JSX already in the themes/plugins, it seems like we can just keep uncompiled TypeScript in user's node_modules and Gatsby will compile it. Am I correct?

ivoreis commented 4 years ago

Can we update this issue description and add:

Thanks 👍

ivoreis commented 4 years ago

I'll take:

mxstbr commented 4 years ago

Hej @jxnblk, doesn't gatsbyjs/gatsby#23547 solve this for us?

I am not 100% if this is true or not, but either way we wouldn't want to break existing users of the themes and plugins that are using them with older versions of Gatsby, right?

hasparus commented 4 years ago

I am not 100% if this is true or not, but either way we wouldn't want to break existing users of the themes and plugins that are using them with older versions of Gatsby, right?

Totally. That would hurt. But if this works, then the PRs currently sent to theme-ui, which add gastsby-plugin-typescript would also work I guess? Although this would probably need a "switch" in gatsby-theme CLI to decide if you want the copied file to be in TypeScript or JS.

We tried two approaches in current open PRs.

  1. Precompiling in prepare step.
  2. Adding gatsby-plugin-typescript.

I think I prefer the second approach to the first one (which I in used 😢). Both shouldn't introduce breaking change. Shadowing a JS file with a TS files works, so I'd assume it also works the other way.

Although Gatsby supports TS natively, I think TS in Gatsby is "easy to opt-in", not "opt-out", and we should respect the preference of users who dislike TypeScript.

There is a third approach. We could add //@ts-check to these files and write types in JSDoc. (Similarly to Preact It has some disadvantages, but we shouldn't need anything more in plugins.

Then, if TypeScript users want the copied/ejected files to be in TypeScript, going from JSDoc comment type annotations to TypeScript isn't hard. At least, it may be less scary than removing type annotations for somebody who doesn't use TypeScript.

ivoreis commented 4 years ago

@hasparus / @mxstbr Looks like style-guide is already migrated to ts so we can cross that one too.

jxnblk commented 4 years ago

@hasparus @mxstbr -- my understanding is that Gatsby's current TS support does NOT work for plugins and themes yet, and as you stated, we do not want to break compatibility with earlier Gatsby versions. I think how we want to handle TS versions of Gatsby plugins is probably worth a bigger discussion, and I think we should move that to a new, separate issue. I'd suggest keeping the in-flight PRs for those packages open, but cut a 0.4 release without those, and addressing those for v0.5. Does that sound reasonable to everyone?