system76 / laptop-suggestions

Repo to collect laptop design suggestions and feedback as issues.
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Modular laptops #145

Open anubhavkini opened 3 years ago

anubhavkini commented 3 years ago

Why/User Benefit/User Problem

Easy repairs, upgrades and customization.

Description of the feature

There's a new company called Framework that's releasing a modular laptop. I think it's a great idea and maybe System76 would be interested.

TeamLinux01 commented 2 years ago

Now that the framework is starting to ship, it might be possible to make compatible and interchangeable parts for S76 and framework machines, if S76 wants to join in that front.

I personally would enjoy a modular laptop that is repairable/upgradable with open firmware and EC.

adeptg commented 2 years ago

It looks like the Framework laptop works well enough with Linux. Having an OSS firmware and PopOS on the Framework would be nice.

curiousercreative commented 1 year ago

Just partner with Framework. They've already figured out hardware design and manufacturing.

adeptg commented 1 year ago

@curiousercreative agree. But this way is so obvious that I think, they have already tried. And, as we don't see results yet, means that, for now, it doesn't possible for some reason. Personally, I would buy a Framework laptop from System76 with a little premium for OS and firmware support