system76 / laptop-suggestions

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No Biometric Authentication #30

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

downloadpizza commented 4 years ago

Can you elaborate?

ericmann commented 4 years ago

Effectively, done support either fingerprint or face scans to unlock the machine. I tend to agree, but would argue either (or both) feature still has value after the system is unlocked...

bradleeedmondson commented 4 years ago

@ericmann Meaning, System76 should not support biometric auth hardware, due to privacy and accuracy concerns? Or the problem is that there is no biometric auth, and they should add it? I'm unclear on the verbiage as it currently stands.

I tend to fall along the lines of the former, esp. w/r/t consumer grade fingerprint and face recognition, but support for military grade hardware tokens like CACs or USB FIDO (although not perfect) would be more interesting.

ericmann commented 4 years ago

My Oryx has a non-functional fingerprint reader. I either want the hardware to work or not be there. And while I'd love for it to be used by apps for secondary identity verification I do NOT want it to unlock my machine. Same with face unlock - secondary identity verification sure, but not system unlocking.

Dmole commented 4 years ago

A fingerprint reader would be a nice option if it was reliable (some are really bad, others almost perfect)