system76 / laptop-suggestions

Repo to collect laptop design suggestions and feedback as issues.
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A more rugged design option. #34

Open RoboticGolem opened 4 years ago

RoboticGolem commented 4 years ago

Laptops lately have been thinner, lighter, and easier to break

Stronger parts, heavier duty materials, maybe even easier repairs.

q5sys commented 4 years ago

Historically I have bought thinkpads for this reason. My cynical view is that manufactures intentionally make them lighter and thinner so they do break and you have to buy a replacement. The more units they sell, the more money they make. They don't care about their customers, only making money. If I could find a company that bucks this trend and actually values their customers I'd buy from them in a heartbeat. A company that is loyal to their customers will find their customers being loyal to them.