system76 / laptop-suggestions

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Galago Pro touchpad button improvements #42

Open NOTtheMessiah opened 4 years ago

NOTtheMessiah commented 4 years ago

The current touchpad buttons for the Galago Pro has buttons that are poorly designed and require too much force to use. First of all, both mouse buttons are a single piece of plastic hinged at the middle, meaning it's nearly impossible to click if you press it near the middle, but easier at the edges. In order to use less effort to place my hand on the buttons, my index finger and middle finger have to do the splits. A proper mouse button should be able to have the same amount of force to activate it without regard to where a user presses it.

The other major issue is that the click force is massive compared to comparable to other consumer laptops. I tested it on an old Thinkpad, the mouse button took approximately the same amount of force as the keyboard button. On the Galago Pro, the mouse button takes several times the force as a keyboard button.

Verifiable test.

I tried to compare the click force of the mouse button and the keyboard by stacking pocket change (which has a known weight). It didn't take much to depress a keyboard button. I ran out of change on me before the weight could activate the mouse button, but it was several times the weight.

Why/User Benefit/User Problem

Having a consistent click force, means consistent expectations of the user, you shouldn't have to think about how you use a mouse. Also, a user shouldn't have to expend over 4 times the effort of a keyboard stroke to click a mouse.

Description of the feature

Separate pieces of plastic for each mouse button. Less activation force on the mouse buttons