system76 / thelio-io-windows

WIP Windows driver for System76 Thelio Io
GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 8 forks source link

Impossible to install the .msi #17

Open yoann-dufresne opened 1 year ago

yoann-dufresne commented 1 year ago

I am trying to install the driver on my thelio mira.

Could you help me to understand why it not finishing ?

kundor commented 1 year ago

Use the Windows event viewer (as described in the readme) to look at the logs. It will probably give a clue.

Rintsi commented 1 year ago
invalid float literal
Custom {
    kind: InvalidData,
    error: ParseFloatError {
        kind: Invalid,

I have Thelio Mira r1

Rintsi commented 1 year ago

Running the target/release/thelio-io.exe via Visual Studio, the console output states:

Error: Winapi(Os { code: 1063, kind: Other, message: "The service process could not connect to the service controller." })
Rintsi commented 1 year ago

An update. I've been messing about with this on/off during the past year, whenever I rarely need Windows. Now I finally want to play something and am getting back to this issue.

So I updated everything and pulled and recompiled the wix installer. The installing worked this time and went through. The event log states:

Product: System76 Thelio Io -- Installation completed successfully.
Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: System76 Thelio Io. Product Version: 0.1.0. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: System76. Installation success or error status: 0.

Then the fans went silent and I was really happy... for a good 2 seconds. Until the fans turned back on, and then to the logs:

invalid float literal
Custom {
    kind: InvalidData,
    error: ParseFloatError {
        kind: Invalid,