systemapic / pile

PostGIS tile server
0 stars 2 forks source link

Style Templates #1

Open knutole opened 9 years ago

knutole commented 9 years ago

Saving some styles for easy reference.

Snow caps

screen shot 2015-08-02 at 17 21 36

// CartoCSS reference guide:

// Cheat Sheet:
// ------------
//  Polygons:
//    polygon-fill: red;
//    polygon-opacity: 0.5;
//  Lines:
//    line-color: blue;
//    line-width: 2;
//    line-opacity: 0.9;
//  Text:
//    text-name: [field_name];
//    text-size: 12;
//  Filters:
//    [zoom>=12] {
//        // CSS for zoom 12 and higher
//    }
//    [field_name="Field Name"] {
//        // CSS for this field only
//    }

//// lighten and darken colors
//lighten(#ace, 10%);
//darken(#ace, 10%);

//// saturate and desaturate
//saturate(#550000, 10%);
//desaturate(#00ff00, 10%);

//// increase or decrease the opacity of a color
//fadein(#fafafa, 10%);
//fadeout(#fefefe, 14%);

//// spin rotates a color around the color wheel by degr
//spin(#ff00ff, 10);

//// mix generates a color in between two other colors.
//mix(#fff, #000, 50%);

// zoom (works!)
[zoom<13] {
  //marker-width: [coherence] * 1;
    marker-width: 0.5px;
 // marker style
 // marker-fill: #00ffb4;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
    marker-clip: false;
 // marker-comp-op: screen;
    marker-opacity: 0.1;

  // [vel<-20] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/80);
// zoom (works!)
[zoom=13] {
  //marker-width: [coherence] * 1;
  marker-width: 1px;
 // [vel<-20] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/40);
 // }
[zoom=14] {
 // marker-width: [coherence] * 7;
  marker-width: 2px;
 // [vel<-40] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/40);
 // }
// zoom (works!)
[zoom=15] {
 // marker-width: [coherence] * 7;
    marker-width: 4px;
   //[vel<-40] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/35);

// zoom (works!)
[zoom=16] {

    marker-width: 6px;
    [vel<-20] {
        marker-width: [vel] * (-1/20);


// zoom (works!)
[zoom=17] {

    marker-width: 8px;
   //[vel<-40] {
    //  marker-width: [vel] * (-1/3);



// marker width
//@marker-width: [coherence] * 20;
//[vel<-40] {
//  marker-width: [vel] * (-1/8);

// #################################################
// scale calcs per [var]
// todo: insert max, min from meta
// --
// scale by velocity
@scale_column_vel : [vel];
@scale_max_vel : -50; // height_max
@scale_min_vel : -200;  // height_min

// calc steps velocity, n steps
@delta_vel   : (@scale_max_vel - @scale_min_vel)/10;
@step_1_vel  : @scale_min_vel;
@step_2_vel  : @scale_min_vel + @delta_vel;
@step_3_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 2);
@step_4_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 3);
@step_5_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 4);
@step_6_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 5);
@step_7_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 6);
@step_8_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 7);
@step_9_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 8);
@step_10_vel : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 9);
// ####################################################

// scale by height
@scale_column_height : [height];
@scale_max_height : 1615; // height_max
@scale_min_height : 600;  // height_min

// calc steps velocity
@delta_height   : (@scale_max_height - @scale_min_height)/10;
@step_1_height  : @scale_min_height;
@step_2_height  : @scale_min_height +  @delta_height;
@step_3_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 2);
@step_4_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 3);
@step_5_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 4);
@step_6_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 5);
@step_7_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 6);
@step_8_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 7);
@step_9_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 8);
@step_10_height : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 9);

// color scale
@color_1_vel :  #2f00ff;
@color_2_vel :  #003dff;
@color_3_vel :  #009eff;
@color_4_vel :  #00ffdf;
@color_5_vel :  #00ffa9;
@color_6_vel :  #a5ff00;
@color_7_vel :  #ffd700;
@color_8_vel :  #ff8100;
@color_9_vel :  #ff3600;
@color_10_vel :  #ff0000;

// color block per [var]
// spin
//@spin_color_height: #ff0000;
//@color_1_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 10);
//@color_2_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 20);
//@color_3_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 30);
//@color_4_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 40);
//@color_5_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 50);
//@color_6_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 60);
//@color_7_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 70);
//@color_8_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 80);
//@color_9_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 90);
//@color_10_height : spin(@spin_color_height, 100);

// spin
//@spin_color_vel: #fb00ff;
//@color_1_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 10);
//@color_2_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 20);
//@color_3_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 30);
//@color_4_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 40);
//@color_5_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 50);
//@color_6_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 60);
//@color_7_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 70);
//@color_8_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 80);
//@color_9_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 90);
//@color_10_vel : spin(@spin_color_vel, 100);

//@ds_color_vel : #ff002b;
//@color_1_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 0%);
//@color_2_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 10%);
//@color_3_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 20%);
//@color_4_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 30%);
//@color_5_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 40%);
//@color_6_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 50%);
//@color_7_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 60%);
//@color_8_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 70%);
//@color_9_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 80%);
//@color_10_vel :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 90%);

@ds_color_height : #ffac00;
@color_1_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 0%);
@color_2_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 10%);
@color_3_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 20%);
@color_4_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 30%);
@color_5_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 40%);
@color_6_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 50%);
@color_7_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 60%);
@color_8_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 70%);
@color_9_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 80%);
@color_10_height :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 90%);

// desat
//@ds_color : #ff4100;
//@color_1  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 100%);
//@color_2  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 90%);
//@color_3  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 80%);
//@color_4  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 70%);
//@color_5  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 60%);
//@color_6  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 50%);
//@color_7  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 40%);
//@color_8  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 30%);
//@color_9  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 20%);
//@color_10 : desaturate(@ds_color, 10%);

// fade in
//@f_color: #ffac00;
//@color_1 :  fadein(@f_color, 0%);
//@color_2 :  fadein(@f_color, 10%);
//@color_3 :  fadein(@f_color, 20%);
//@color_4 :  fadein(@f_color, 30%);
//@color_5 :  fadein(@f_color, 40%);
//@color_6 :  fadein(@f_color, 50%);
//@color_7 :  fadein(@f_color, 60%);
//@color_8 :  fadein(@f_color, 70%);
//@color_9 :  fadein(@f_color, 80%);
//@color_10 : fadein(@f_color, 90%);

#layer {

  // marker style
  marker-fill: #00ffb4;
  marker-allow-overlap: true;
  marker-clip: false;
  marker-comp-op: screen;
  marker-opacity: 0.5;

  // ####################################
  // SCALE TEMPLATE, per [var]
  // ..
  // color
  [@scale_column_vel < @step_2_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_1_vel;

  [@scale_column_vel > @step_2_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_3_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_2_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_3_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_4_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_3_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_4_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_5_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_4_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_5_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_6_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_5_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_6_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_7_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_6_vel

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_7_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_8_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_7_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_8_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_9_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_8_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_9_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_10_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_9_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_10_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_10_vel;
  // ############################################################

  // ####################################
  // SCALE TEMPLATE, per [var]
  // ..
  // color
  [@scale_column_height < @step_2_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_1_height;

  [@scale_column_height > @step_2_height][@scale_column_height < @step_3_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_2_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_3_height][@scale_column_height < @step_4_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_3_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_4_height][@scale_column_height < @step_5_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_4_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_5_height][@scale_column_height < @step_6_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_5_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_6_height][@scale_column_height < @step_7_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_6_height

   [@scale_column_height > @step_7_height][@scale_column_height < @step_8_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_7_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_8_height][@scale_column_height < @step_9_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_8_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_9_height][@scale_column_height < @step_10_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_9_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_10_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_10_height;
  // ############################################################

  // snowcaps
  [height>1000] {
      marker-fill: snow;

  // velocity
  //[vel<-50] {
  //    marker-fill: #d1ff04;
  //    marker-width: ([vel] * (-1))/20;

Blue snow

screen shot 2015-08-02 at 17 17 30

// CartoCSS reference guide:

// Cheat Sheet:
// ------------
//  Polygons:
//    polygon-fill: red;
//    polygon-opacity: 0.5;
//  Lines:
//    line-color: blue;
//    line-width: 2;
//    line-opacity: 0.9;
//  Text:
//    text-name: [field_name];
//    text-size: 12;
//  Filters:
//    [zoom>=12] {
//        // CSS for zoom 12 and higher
//    }
//    [field_name="Field Name"] {
//        // CSS for this field only
//    }

//// lighten and darken colors
//lighten(#ace, 10%);
//darken(#ace, 10%);

//// saturate and desaturate
//saturate(#550000, 10%);
//desaturate(#00ff00, 10%);

//// increase or decrease the opacity of a color
//fadein(#fafafa, 10%);
//fadeout(#fefefe, 14%);

//// spin rotates a color around the color wheel by degr
//spin(#ff00ff, 10);

//// mix generates a color in between two other colors.
//mix(#fff, #000, 50%);

// zoom (works!)
[zoom<13] {
  //marker-width: [coherence] * 1;
    marker-width: 0.5px;
 // marker style
 // marker-fill: #00ffb4;
    //marker-allow-overlap: true;
    marker-clip: false;
 // marker-comp-op: screen;
    marker-opacity: 0.4;

   [vel<-20] {
    marker-width: [vel] * (-1/50);
// zoom (works!)
[zoom=13] {
  //marker-width: [coherence] * 1;
  marker-width: 1px;
  [vel<-40] {
    marker-width: [vel] * (-1/20);
[zoom=14] {
 // marker-width: [coherence] * 7;
  marker-width: 2px;
 // [vel<-40] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/40);
 // }
// zoom (works!)
[zoom=15] {
 // marker-width: [coherence] * 7;
    marker-width: 4px;
   //[vel<-40] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/35);

// zoom (works!)
[zoom=16] {

    marker-width: 6px;
    [vel<-20] {
        marker-width: [vel] * (-1/20);


// zoom (works!)
[zoom=17] {

    marker-width: 8px;
   //[vel<-40] {
    //  marker-width: [vel] * (-1/3);



// marker width
//@marker-width: [coherence] * 20;
//[vel<-40] {
//  marker-width: [vel] * (-1/8);

// #################################################
// scale calcs per [var]
// todo: insert max, min from meta
// --
// scale by velocity
@scale_column_vel : [vel];
@scale_max_vel : 0; // height_max
@scale_min_vel : -200;  // height_min

// calc steps velocity, n steps
@delta_vel   : (@scale_max_vel - @scale_min_vel)/10;
@step_1_vel  : @scale_min_vel;
@step_2_vel  : @scale_min_vel + @delta_vel;
@step_3_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 2);
@step_4_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 3);
@step_5_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 4);
@step_6_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 5);
@step_7_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 6);
@step_8_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 7);
@step_9_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 8);
@step_10_vel : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 9);
// ####################################################

// scale by height
@scale_column_height : [height];
@scale_max_height : 1615; // height_max
@scale_min_height : 600;  // height_min

// calc steps velocity
@delta_height   : (@scale_max_height - @scale_min_height)/10;
@step_1_height  : @scale_min_height;
@step_2_height  : @scale_min_height +  @delta_height;
@step_3_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 2);
@step_4_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 3);
@step_5_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 4);
@step_6_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 5);
@step_7_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 6);
@step_8_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 7);
@step_9_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 8);
@step_10_height : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 9);

//// color scale
//@color_1_vel :  #2f00ff;
//@color_2_vel :  #003dff;
//@color_3_vel :  #009eff;
//@color_4_vel :  #00ffdf;
//@color_5_vel :  #00ffa9;
//@color_6_vel :  #a5ff00;
//@color_7_vel :  #ffd700;
//@color_8_vel :  #ff8100;
//@color_9_vel :  #ff3600;
//@color_10_vel :  #ff0000;

// color block per [var]
// spin
//@spin_color_height: #ff0000;
//@color_1_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 10);
//@color_2_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 20);
//@color_3_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 30);
//@color_4_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 40);
//@color_5_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 50);
//@color_6_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 60);
//@color_7_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 70);
//@color_8_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 80);
//@color_9_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 90);
//@color_10_height : spin(@spin_color_height, 100);

// spin
@spin_color_vel: #00ff1d;
@color_1_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 10);
@color_2_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 20);
@color_3_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 30);
@color_4_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 40);
@color_5_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 50);
@color_6_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 60);
@color_7_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 70);
@color_8_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 80);
@color_9_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 90);
@color_10_vel : spin(@spin_color_vel, 360);

//@ds_color_vel : #ff002b;
//@color_1_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 0%);
//@color_2_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 10%);
//@color_3_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 20%);
//@color_4_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 30%);
//@color_5_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 40%);
//@color_6_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 50%);
//@color_7_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 60%);
//@color_8_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 70%);
//@color_9_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 80%);
//@color_10_vel :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 90%);

@ds_color_height : #0012ff;
@color_1_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 0%);
@color_2_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 10%);
@color_3_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 20%);
@color_4_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 30%);
@color_5_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 40%);
@color_6_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 50%);
@color_7_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 60%);
@color_8_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 70%);
@color_9_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 80%);
@color_10_height :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 90%);

// desat
//@ds_color : #ff4100;
//@color_1  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 100%);
//@color_2  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 90%);
//@color_3  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 80%);
//@color_4  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 70%);
//@color_5  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 60%);
//@color_6  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 50%);
//@color_7  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 40%);
//@color_8  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 30%);
//@color_9  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 20%);
//@color_10 : desaturate(@ds_color, 10%);

// fade in
//@f_color: #ffac00;
//@color_1 :  fadein(@f_color, 0%);
//@color_2 :  fadein(@f_color, 10%);
//@color_3 :  fadein(@f_color, 20%);
//@color_4 :  fadein(@f_color, 30%);
//@color_5 :  fadein(@f_color, 40%);
//@color_6 :  fadein(@f_color, 50%);
//@color_7 :  fadein(@f_color, 60%);
//@color_8 :  fadein(@f_color, 70%);
//@color_9 :  fadein(@f_color, 80%);
//@color_10 : fadein(@f_color, 90%);

#layer {

  // marker style
  marker-fill: #00ffb4;
  marker-allow-overlap: true;
  marker-clip: false;
  marker-comp-op: screen;
  marker-opacity: 0.9;
  marker-width: 3px;

  // ##################################
  // SCALE TEMPLATE, per [var]
  // ..
  // color
  [@scale_column_vel < @step_2_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_1_vel;

  [@scale_column_vel > @step_2_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_3_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_2_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_3_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_4_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_3_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_4_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_5_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_4_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_5_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_6_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_5_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_6_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_7_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_6_vel

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_7_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_8_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_7_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_8_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_9_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_8_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_9_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_10_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_9_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_10_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_10_vel;
  // ############################################################

  // ####################################
  // SCALE TEMPLATE, per [var]
  // ..
  // color
  [@scale_column_height < @step_2_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_1_height;

  [@scale_column_height > @step_2_height][@scale_column_height < @step_3_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_2_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_3_height][@scale_column_height < @step_4_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_3_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_4_height][@scale_column_height < @step_5_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_4_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_5_height][@scale_column_height < @step_6_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_5_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_6_height][@scale_column_height < @step_7_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_6_height

   [@scale_column_height > @step_7_height][@scale_column_height < @step_8_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_7_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_8_height][@scale_column_height < @step_9_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_8_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_9_height][@scale_column_height < @step_10_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_9_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_10_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_10_height;
  // ############################################################

  // snowcaps
  [height<200] {
      marker-fill: snow;

  // velocity
  //[vel<-50] {
  //    marker-fill: #d1ff04;
  //    marker-width: ([vel] * (-1))/20;

Brown mountains

screen shot 2015-08-02 at 17 19 43

// CartoCSS reference guide:

// Cheat Sheet:
// ------------
//  Polygons:
//    polygon-fill: red;
//    polygon-opacity: 0.5;
//  Lines:
//    line-color: blue;
//    line-width: 2;
//    line-opacity: 0.9;
//  Text:
//    text-name: [field_name];
//    text-size: 12;
//  Filters:
//    [zoom>=12] {
//        // CSS for zoom 12 and higher
//    }
//    [field_name="Field Name"] {
//        // CSS for this field only
//    }

//// lighten and darken colors
//lighten(#ace, 10%);
//darken(#ace, 10%);

//// saturate and desaturate
//saturate(#550000, 10%);
//desaturate(#00ff00, 10%);

//// increase or decrease the opacity of a color
//fadein(#fafafa, 10%);
//fadeout(#fefefe, 14%);

//// spin rotates a color around the color wheel by degr
//spin(#ff00ff, 10);

//// mix generates a color in between two other colors.
//mix(#fff, #000, 50%);

// zoom (works!)
[zoom<13] {
  //marker-width: [coherence] * 1;
    marker-width: 0.5px;
 // marker style
 // marker-fill: #00ffb4;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
    marker-clip: false;
 // marker-comp-op: screen;
    marker-opacity: 0.1;

  // [vel<-20] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/80);
// zoom (works!)
[zoom=13] {
  //marker-width: [coherence] * 1;
  marker-width: 1px;
 // [vel<-20] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/40);
 // }
[zoom=14] {
 // marker-width: [coherence] * 7;
  marker-width: 2px;
 // [vel<-40] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/40);
 // }
// zoom (works!)
[zoom=15] {
 // marker-width: [coherence] * 7;
    marker-width: 4px;
   //[vel<-40] {
    //marker-width: [vel] * (-1/35);

// zoom (works!)
[zoom=16] {

    marker-width: 6px;
    [vel<-20] {
        marker-width: [vel] * (-1/20);


// zoom (works!)
[zoom=17] {

    marker-width: 8px;
   //[vel<-40] {
    //  marker-width: [vel] * (-1/3);



// marker width
//@marker-width: [coherence] * 20;
//[vel<-40] {
//  marker-width: [vel] * (-1/8);

// #################################################
// scale calcs per [var]
// todo: insert max, min from meta
// --
// scale by velocity
@scale_column_vel : [vel];
@scale_max_vel : -50; // height_max
@scale_min_vel : -200;  // height_min

// calc steps velocity, n steps
@delta_vel   : (@scale_max_vel - @scale_min_vel)/10;
@step_1_vel  : @scale_min_vel;
@step_2_vel  : @scale_min_vel + @delta_vel;
@step_3_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 2);
@step_4_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 3);
@step_5_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 4);
@step_6_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 5);
@step_7_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 6);
@step_8_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 7);
@step_9_vel  : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 8);
@step_10_vel : @scale_min_vel + (@delta_vel * 9);
// ####################################################

// scale by height
@scale_column_height : [height];
@scale_max_height : 1615; // height_max
@scale_min_height : 600;  // height_min

// calc steps velocity
@delta_height   : (@scale_max_height - @scale_min_height)/10;
@step_1_height  : @scale_min_height;
@step_2_height  : @scale_min_height +  @delta_height;
@step_3_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 2);
@step_4_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 3);
@step_5_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 4);
@step_6_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 5);
@step_7_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 6);
@step_8_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 7);
@step_9_height  : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 8);
@step_10_height : @scale_min_height + (@delta_height * 9);

// color scale
@color_1_vel :  #2f00ff;
@color_2_vel :  #003dff;
@color_3_vel :  #009eff;
@color_4_vel :  #00ffdf;
@color_5_vel :  #00ffa9;
@color_6_vel :  #a5ff00;
@color_7_vel :  #ffd700;
@color_8_vel :  #ff8100;
@color_9_vel :  #ff3600;
@color_10_vel :  #ff0000;

// color block per [var]
// spin
//@spin_color_height: #ff0000;
//@color_1_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 10);
//@color_2_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 20);
//@color_3_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 30);
//@color_4_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 40);
//@color_5_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 50);
//@color_6_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 60);
//@color_7_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 70);
//@color_8_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 80);
//@color_9_height :  spin(@spin_color_height, 90);
//@color_10_height : spin(@spin_color_height, 100);

// spin
//@spin_color_vel: #fb00ff;
//@color_1_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 10);
//@color_2_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 20);
//@color_3_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 30);
//@color_4_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 40);
//@color_5_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 50);
//@color_6_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 60);
//@color_7_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 70);
//@color_8_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 80);
//@color_9_vel :  spin(@spin_color_vel, 90);
//@color_10_vel : spin(@spin_color_vel, 100);

//@ds_color_vel : #ff002b;
//@color_1_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 0%);
//@color_2_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 10%);
//@color_3_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 20%);
//@color_4_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 30%);
//@color_5_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 40%);
//@color_6_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 50%);
//@color_7_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 60%);
//@color_8_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 70%);
//@color_9_vel  :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 80%);
//@color_10_vel :  desaturate(@ds_color_vel, 90%);

@ds_color_height : #ffac00;
@color_1_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 0%);
@color_2_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 10%);
@color_3_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 20%);
@color_4_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 30%);
@color_5_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 40%);
@color_6_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 50%);
@color_7_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 60%);
@color_8_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 70%);
@color_9_height  :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 80%);
@color_10_height :  desaturate(@ds_color_height, 90%);

// desat
//@ds_color : #ff4100;
//@color_1  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 100%);
//@color_2  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 90%);
//@color_3  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 80%);
//@color_4  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 70%);
//@color_5  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 60%);
//@color_6  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 50%);
//@color_7  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 40%);
//@color_8  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 30%);
//@color_9  :  desaturate(@ds_color, 20%);
//@color_10 : desaturate(@ds_color, 10%);

// fade in
//@f_color: #ffac00;
//@color_1 :  fadein(@f_color, 0%);
//@color_2 :  fadein(@f_color, 10%);
//@color_3 :  fadein(@f_color, 20%);
//@color_4 :  fadein(@f_color, 30%);
//@color_5 :  fadein(@f_color, 40%);
//@color_6 :  fadein(@f_color, 50%);
//@color_7 :  fadein(@f_color, 60%);
//@color_8 :  fadein(@f_color, 70%);
//@color_9 :  fadein(@f_color, 80%);
//@color_10 : fadein(@f_color, 90%);

#layer {

  // snowcaps
  [height<1200] {
      marker-fill: snow;

  // marker style
  marker-fill: #00ffb4;
  marker-allow-overlap: true;
  marker-clip: false;
  marker-comp-op: screen;
  marker-opacity: 0.5;

  // ####################################
  // SCALE TEMPLATE, per [var]
  // ..
  // color
  [@scale_column_vel < @step_2_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_1_vel;

  [@scale_column_vel > @step_2_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_3_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_2_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_3_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_4_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_3_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_4_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_5_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_4_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_5_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_6_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_5_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_6_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_7_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_6_vel

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_7_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_8_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_7_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_8_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_9_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_8_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_9_vel][@scale_column_vel < @step_10_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_9_vel;

   [@scale_column_vel > @step_10_vel] {
      marker-fill: @color_10_vel;
  // ############################################################

  // ####################################
  // SCALE TEMPLATE, per [var]
  // ..
  // color
  [@scale_column_height < @step_2_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_1_height;

  [@scale_column_height > @step_2_height][@scale_column_height < @step_3_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_2_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_3_height][@scale_column_height < @step_4_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_3_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_4_height][@scale_column_height < @step_5_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_4_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_5_height][@scale_column_height < @step_6_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_5_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_6_height][@scale_column_height < @step_7_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_6_height

   [@scale_column_height > @step_7_height][@scale_column_height < @step_8_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_7_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_8_height][@scale_column_height < @step_9_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_8_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_9_height][@scale_column_height < @step_10_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_9_height;

   [@scale_column_height > @step_10_height] {
      marker-fill: @color_10_height;
  // ############################################################

  // velocity
  //[vel<-50] {
  //    marker-fill: #d1ff04;
  //    marker-width: ([vel] * (-1))/20;