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dropped pixels in pgraster #43

Closed knutole closed 8 years ago

knutole commented 8 years ago

Getting quite a lot of dropped pixels with pgraster RasterColorizer. Cause not known. Suspecting it's a bug in either RasterColorizer or pgraster, as different pixels are dropped on different zoom-levels.

screen shot 2016-03-23 at 1 30 18 pm

screen shot 2016-03-23 at 1 30 29 pm

Different zoom-level (same area): screen shot 2016-03-23 at 1 35 28 pm

The cartocss:

    // raster debug
        var defaultCartocss = '#layer {'
        defaultCartocss += 'raster-opacity: 0.8; '; 
        defaultCartocss += 'raster-scaling: gaussian; '; 
        defaultCartocss += 'raster-colorizer-default-mode: linear; '; 
        defaultCartocss += 'raster-colorizer-default-color: transparent; '; 
        defaultCartocss += 'raster-colorizer-epsilon: 0; '; 
        defaultCartocss += 'raster-colorizer-stops: '; 
        defaultCartocss += '  stop(20, rgba(0,0,0,0)) '; 
        defaultCartocss += '  stop(50, #dddddd) '; 
        defaultCartocss += '  stop(100, #cccccc) '; 
        defaultCartocss += '  stop(150, #0085ff) '; 
        defaultCartocss += '  stop(200, #0078ff) '; 
        defaultCartocss += '  stop(240, #0078ff); '; 
        // defaultCartocss += '  stop(241, red, exact); '; 
        defaultCartocss += 'raster-comp-op: color-dodge;';
        defaultCartocss += ' }';
<!DOCTYPE Map[]>

<Style name="layer" filter-mode="first">
    <RasterSymbolizer opacity="0.8" scaling="gaussian" default-mode="linear" default-color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" epsilon="0" comp-op="color-dodge" >
    <stop value="20" color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" />
    <stop value="50" color="#dddddd" />
    <stop value="100" color="#cccccc" />
    <stop value="150" color="#0085ff" />
    <stop value="200" color="#0078ff" />
    <stop value="240" color="#0078ff" /></RasterSymbolizer>
<Layer name="layer"
  srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over">
    <StyleName>layer</StyleName>  </Layer>

knutole commented 8 years ago

Have checked the pixel values, they are fine (ie. they all have normal values between 20 and 200).

strk commented 8 years ago

pgraster plugin has no knowledge of RasterColorizer, it just provides the raster to the upstream code which decides what to do with it.

The only thing affecting PgRaster fetching of the data is the "band" parameter, which determines which band is being sent to upper levels. In the "snow" case there's a single band so it should always be used for band=0 or band=1

strk commented 8 years ago

See if removing the "prescale-rasters" parameter changes anything

strk commented 8 years ago

See TODO block here:

knutole commented 8 years ago

Dropped pixels persists even without gdalwarp on import, and without pre-tiling on import (ie. raster2pgsql -I -C $1 $2 | PGPASSWORD=$PGPASSWORD psql --host=$PGHOST --username=$PGUSERNAME $3 )

Problem persists:

screen shot 2016-03-23 at 4 16 55 pm

knutole commented 8 years ago

For reference, prescale_rasters and clip_rasters also have no effect. Neither does preunion_rasters.

knutole commented 8 years ago

Curiously, it's not the same pixels that are dropped on different zoom levels. Which suggests that this is not an issue with actual pixel values?

screen shot 2016-03-23 at 4 27 04 pm screen shot 2016-03-23 at 4 26 52 pm screen shot 2016-03-23 at 4 26 42 pm

knutole commented 8 years ago

Interesting to note that the NODATA pixels are transparent and with gaussian blur (as expected), but the dropped pixels DO NOT have gaussian blur. In other words, they don't seem to be rendered as a pixel value per se at all.

screen shot 2016-03-23 at 4 40 14 pm

Compare with gaussian off: screen shot 2016-03-23 at 4 41 41 pm

knutole commented 8 years ago

Problem only arises with use of RasterColorizer/RasterSymbolizer:

(Ie. the only code-change is removing = 1)

screen shot 2016-03-23 at 4 57 05 pm

strk commented 8 years ago

So a probable reason for this is a bug in pgraster handling of "nodata" for data rasters (when band=x is passed and x!=0). The temptative fix is here:

The PR doesn't have an automated test as there's no core automated test for raster, unfortunately.

The fun behavior would be due to the NODATA value taking the value of the latest pixel being read for each input raster, which for tiled rasters would be different for every tile and for prescaled rasters would be different for every zoom level.

knutole commented 8 years ago

This was fixed by @strk in

Currently master on Mapnik won't build on Ubuntu 14.04 (see, so we're using "systemapic" branch of knutole/mapnik -> (Should try to build mapnik:master as soon as build issues are resolved, see

Need to install node-mapnik with npm install --build-from-source mapnik.