systemed / tilemaker

Make OpenStreetMap vector tiles without the stack
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stylesheet #576

Closed humanitiesNerd closed 10 months ago

humanitiesNerd commented 10 months ago

I made this map with Tilemaker and Proomaps (it's a PMTiles file served through MaplibreJs)


Only 2 layers are visible here

  1. landuse (filled with a solid color)
  2. transportation (in black)

This is because the stylesheet is improvised

This other stylesheet seems to be available


  1. it's in json (shouldn'i it be .css ?)
  2. it contains lots of keys I don't recognize
  3. it contains a lot of urls pointing to things and I'm not sure what they are
  4. it's complicated

Isn't there a complete but simple ready made stylesheet I could use ?


systemed commented 10 months ago

You can use the openmaptiles-compatible stylesheet that's bundled with tilemaker. See config-openmaptiles.json and process-openmaptiles.lua in

The Maplibre/Mapbox GL renderers use a JSON format of stylesheet, not CSS. I'd recommend reading through tilemaker's docs/ directory to understand how vector tiles work.