If a roundabout is defined with more then one ‚way‘ definition, roundabouts are visible within a map (tilemaker-server, TileServer GL).
If a roundabout is defined with only one ‚way‘ definition, roundabouts are not part of the mbtile file. The problem seems to be, that these ‚way‘ definitions references a couple of nodes, where the first node is the same as the last one in the reference list.
Screenshot OpenStreetMap
Screenshot Tilemaker-Server
By the way, in process.lua (resources/process-openmaptiles.lua) is the line to handle z10RoadValues (line 478) missing:
Should be:
elseif z9RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 9
elseif z10RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 10
elseif z11RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 11
elseif z9RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 9
elseif z11RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 11
There is maybe a issue generating roundabouts.
If a roundabout is defined with more then one ‚way‘ definition, roundabouts are visible within a map (tilemaker-server, TileServer GL).
If a roundabout is defined with only one ‚way‘ definition, roundabouts are not part of the mbtile file. The problem seems to be, that these ‚way‘ definitions references a couple of nodes, where the first node is the same as the last one in the reference list.
Screenshot OpenStreetMap
Screenshot Tilemaker-Server
By the way, in process.lua (resources/process-openmaptiles.lua) is the line to handle z10RoadValues (line 478) missing:
Should be: elseif z9RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 9 elseif z10RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 10 elseif z11RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 11
is: elseif z9RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 9 elseif z11RoadValues[h] then minzoom = 11
I used the current 3.0.0 release of tilemaker.