systemed / tilemaker

Make OpenStreetMap vector tiles without the stack
1.46k stars 230 forks source link

CI is broken #717

Closed systemed closed 5 months ago

systemed commented 5 months ago

Some of the CI builds are currently failing.

MacOS CMake is consistently failing on "Build dependencies":

  vcpkg install --triplet=x64-osx lua shapelib zlib protobuf[zlib] sqlite3 boost-program-options boost-filesystem boost-geometry boost-system boost-asio boost-interprocess boost-iostreams boost-sort rapidjson
  shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
    AREA: liechtenstein
/Users/runner/work/_temp/ line 1: vcpkg: command not found

Windows CMake is sometimes failing with a bald "error 1", sometimes failing to download a file, and sometimes working.

This is all a bit "the engine warning light illuminating probably means there is a fault with the engine warning light" but hey.