Commits a small snapshot to the repository that has a graph with one instance of every node weight and one of every edge weight kind, then ensures we can deserialize it. This is a first pass at ensuring code cannot be merged that will break graph deserialization.
Another test is necessary that writes one of every content object somewhere and attempts to deserialize all of them.
This test graph can be generated at any time by running
buck2 run //lib/dal:test-integration -- write_deserialization_data --ignored
Commits a small snapshot to the repository that has a graph with one instance of every node weight and one of every edge weight kind, then ensures we can deserialize it. This is a first pass at ensuring code cannot be merged that will break graph deserialization.
Another test is necessary that writes one of every content object somewhere and attempts to deserialize all of them.
This test graph can be generated at any time by running
buck2 run //lib/dal:test-integration -- write_deserialization_data --ignored
Then you just have to update the constant in
to point to the new graph.