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Examples versus nascent state #14

Open TheiBa opened 6 years ago

TheiBa commented 6 years ago

@Yuri05: your decision; but I would rename the Examples to "Nascent state" or alternative wording discussed in other issue, and include "Example" as one topic there along with e.g. the publication list; also "Examples" is a sub-optimal wording: all hands-on and even video-tutorials could be interpretet as "Examples" as well; I think the Examples in the current Example-category are osp-models ... which is an emerging/nascent state category, which be better indicate as such to not disappoint people ... so proposal:

Category: In the nascent state

msevestre commented 6 years ago

We have to keep in mind that the category title (absolutely NOT nascent state in any language! :)) needs to be short and sweet.

TheiBa commented 6 years ago

Well, I think in English language, nascent is a normal word and appropriate in this context, apart from being used in every molecular biology and most chemistry books, I guess. Anyway, I am fine with alternative wording proposals, call it in embryo, developing, whatever – the main part of this issue was to have such a category and to deal better with the little defined “Examples” …

msevestre commented 6 years ago

Maybe that's just the idea of talking explicitly about stuff that is so far from completion that really no one can use it, that is a bit counter intuitive. I think we need to spark people's interest with stuff that they can use and not only with stuff that they may be able to use in 2 years from now

TheiBa commented 6 years ago

? well the publication list is there, at least with entries from our side. so are substance models, just limited in number at the moment, similar one could right away start a substance library, and I think we should get high 2 digit model files on OSP in 2017, published examples being in the same size. But if I am the only one who considers this helpful, I shut up right-away ;-) oao

msevestre commented 6 years ago

I think this is very helpful .,.. So we are in full agreement there :) We are back to square one and the terminology. We need to find a word that shows a state of maturity yet continuous improvement. Nascent simply does not fit because it means "Just been born", or just "coming to existence". Work in Progress is also not great because some work is definitely done.

While I do not like that wording either, it goes more into the direction of "Show Case" or "Use Case" don't you think? e.g. WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH IT?

TheiBa commented 6 years ago

ok ... guess Use Cases would be my preference then ... or Arising, Developing from the other angle - it is that the concept is still earlier in development than, e.g. the software itself

Yuri05 commented 6 years ago

My proposal: rename the category to the Case Studies with 2 subcategories:

Regarding substance models: as we don't have any at the moment, it's not worth discussing. As soon as we have some (and more than just 3-4) we can think about the 3rd subcategory

msevestre commented 6 years ago

Why not point directly to

TheiBa commented 6 years ago

OK, but might be confusing, as there are, depending on the view angel, very different things in there. I guess my pref would be

and then a ReadMe refinement with category listing and links

msevestre commented 6 years ago

@all: I don't follow what is expected here again

Here is what I understood: 1: Rename Examples to Case Studies

Then that's it... What is a subcategoriy Juri Do you mean one of this section with title and description? Or is this something new that we do not have yet?

Let say you want to split the information into two columns (Left Models, right publications)

I have one entry for Model (GIM) Fine

What about pulbication? I also need one entry at least with title and description.

Is this what is meant?

msevestre commented 6 years ago

Ok I have updated the website with 2 categories and some dummy text for publication.

Yuri05 commented 6 years ago

I guess we can close this issue now?

TheiBa commented 6 years ago

What happened to the idea of creating an pub-issue for each model and than linking at browse all models to instead of ? Also, what about the idea to add a "Substance library Project" to that repo?

Apart from what we have, models from Andre will be online in the next days? And then we should also "release" the website very soon - ACoP ahead.

msevestre commented 6 years ago

I am a bit lost here. Why do we have the same tag at different level here? Should not we remove one? (either or I have no preference). I can update the url easily

msevestre commented 6 years ago

if we go with this version, the GIM Model should be referenced here as well

TheiBa commented 6 years ago

Yes, of course. Every model popping up at should get an issue entry in the pub repo, also the GIM, at least that was my proposal ...

TheiBa commented 6 years ago

and what do you mean with updating the URL? That would be the release? I would suggest that we than also re-route and everything ending there to OSP? And announce on linked-in and trigger what ever else might be planned ... good to create some fuzz before ACoP, so people approach us with - "Yeah, I saw ... " and not "Oh, is that still alive? ... "

msevestre commented 6 years ago

I meant