systers / FirstAide-Android

FirstAide is a application to help the Peace Corps Volunteers who are victims of sexual harassment.
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Small grammatical error in CircleofTrust #124

Closed rohands closed 8 years ago

rohands commented 8 years ago


Need to check for singularity(noun)

sandarumk commented 8 years ago

How are you going to fix this in the code?

vihanga-liyanage commented 8 years ago

Please forgive me if I'm over stepping hear, but can't we use a simple if condition?

rohands commented 8 years ago

If you look into the code in CircleOfTrustFragment, there's a variable called counter which stores the number of registered users. All I need to do is just to check if the value of that counter variable > 1, then print "Comrades" in the end, or else print "Comrade"

@vihanga-liyanage yes, it's a simple fix.

sandarumk commented 8 years ago
