systers / PC-Prep-Kit

PC Prep Kit is a web application aimed at educating Peace Corps Volunteers and increasing awareness about Malaria and its prevention techniques.
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Maintain Malaria Chatbot Corpus #159

Closed shreyans29 closed 6 years ago

shreyans29 commented 6 years ago


As a developer, I need to maintain a file with intents and corresponding sentences, so that I can contributors can add sentences to the file, which can be used to train the chatbot.

Acceptance Criteria

Update [Required]

Definition of Done


2 hours

lunayach commented 6 years ago

@Buddhiprabha as a PR, do I need to send the google document that we made for collecting responses here.

Buddhiprabha commented 6 years ago

@lunayach you need to add it as a document to the repo. Download and properly format the document before adding.