Closed HarinderKaur11 closed 7 years ago
@HarinderGithub Please go through the list of open and closed issues to see whether the issue you're opening exists or not. There have been issues raised related to email and phone number validations. Maybe comment there to take up the work?
@mish24 there have been different issues related to validations. This is a different one in case of phone number validation. As for the email validation, the only validation applied is for '@' and '.'. I believe she wants to apply validation to check for the domain name correctness and email existence.
@mish24 I have gone through the list of all the open and closed issues, but I didn't find any previous issue serving this purpose. If you find a similar issue please reference it here.
@HarinderGithub Ah integrating third party apps for the validations you mean? To check whether the email you entered is real or not correct? I'm sorry, I thought the issue was related to manual validations. @medhach can guide you for this well
@mish24 yes, to check whether the email and the phone number entered are valid or not.
@HarinderGithub This will need a new field like 'Country' of the user too to validate whether the number provided belongs to that country or not. And adding a new field isn't possible in this version of Django. Email, I think it can be done and it's really good.
@mish24 can you please elaborate why adding a new field is not possible? And in that case we already have the location field, can't we use it as a country field?
@medhach can you please guide on this issue?
@mish24 For email validation, we can use django-allauth app which have facility to send a token to verify email. I hope it will solve this issue raised and for phone number validation we can use the solution mentioned in this link . It is very basic change.
@amittbhardwj Since this is a little bigger than a simple UI change, I would suggest to add this as a GSoC task. :)
In the sign-up form even if the user enters an invalid phone number with more or less digits, he is successfully registered as a new user( although by clicking on the submit button he is directed to some other page with some error message). There should be a check on a valid phone number. (Also, there is no verification email send to the email address entered, there should be a check on valid email as well). If this issue has not being addressed yet, shall I start working on these two concern areas?