systopia / de.systopia.campaign

SYSTOPIA's Google Summer of Code project: CampaignManager
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Campaign Manager (Next Generation) #112

Open sluc23 opened 1 year ago

sluc23 commented 1 year ago

As previously discussed with Systopia staff (@bjendres , @jensschuppe , @jofranz ) we will take the lead on creating a new branded Campaign Manager extension, using latest coding standards, and removing all the legacy code that is slowly generating issues on newer CiviCRM releases. The main idea is to keep all the current features, improving the base technology for them, and adopting best practices and modern CiviCRM programming techniques. We have some new features in mind as well that we'd like to add

We created a new repo for this where initially will place the developments until we decide what's the best path (upgrading this repo, moving to lab.c.o, etc..):

We will be working on this repo, adding issues to plan the path of the project and everyone is welcome to collaborate! Thanks

jensschuppe commented 1 year ago

Great news, @sluc23! If we are to merge both extensions eventually, bear in mind that their names (aka extension key) should either match or we would have to provide an upgrade path from the campaign extension to your new campaignmanager extension (which would also be totally fine of course, but might require additional effort).

sluc23 commented 1 year ago

yes, I have that in mind.. I hope the transition won't be too complicated, but I think it's time to change extension namespace from campaign to something different, because campaign it's too generic and it could lead to additional issues in the future..

sluc23 commented 9 months ago

Campaign Manager (Next Generation) has been published in ixiam/campaignmanager. Still a long way to go to add more features, but this first release has some important ones as Campaing Tree generation, KPIs, and Campaign Status Rules.


eptbertram commented 1 month ago

Is this extension now published as ?

sluc23 commented 1 month ago

@eptbertram yes that's the url, but it's a different extension, there's no upgrade path to move from one to the other..

jensschuppe commented 1 month ago

As you presented it during the CiviCamp, @sluc23, it can't do expenses (you could use the Expenses extension, which still seems to be in need of a bit of refactoring for campaigns, iirc), and for visualizing KPIs, I guess the plan was to use the ChartKit extension.

I think we'll let this issue open for a while so people can find those information.

eptbertram commented 1 month ago

Great, thx for the fast reply. And for the rewrite of this extension, of course!

I had to disable CiviCampaign module to uninstall campaign-extension and install new compaignmanager-extension. After this, the menu item "Campaign Dashboard" was missing (URL /civicrm/campaign). I'm testing right now ;)