systopia / de.systopia.campaign

SYSTOPIA's Google Summer of Code project: CampaignManager
6 stars 19 forks source link

TreeView breaks structure of campaign #34

Closed scardinius closed 7 years ago

scardinius commented 7 years ago


bjendres commented 7 years ago

Thanks, @scardinius.

@mattwire Could you have a brief look at this? Does that affect our project as well?

mattwire commented 7 years ago

@scardinius: I think this commit fixes your problem?

If it is working with that fix, I will merge that into master

scardinius commented 7 years ago

@mattwire @systopia thanks! That works fine!

mattwire commented 7 years ago

Merged commit to master

bjendres commented 7 years ago

Great job @mattwire!

One tiny performance remark: we could just check for dist <= 900 to avoid the costly Math.sqrt function. But it won't have a significant impact in this scenario anyway...