With the latest CiviCRM Core update the system is failing to load any contributions in profiles because the extension is using deprecated methods that have been removed now. This PR solved the immediate issue for us (regular CiviCRM functionality is working again).
(--> also see https://github.com/systopia/de.systopia.donrec/issues/125)
I didn't have the chance yet to thoroughly test whether the donrec functionality is correctly implemented using the new methods here. And I am unsure what the correct BAO for some of the code is.
With the latest CiviCRM Core update the system is failing to load any contributions in profiles because the extension is using deprecated methods that have been removed now. This PR solved the immediate issue for us (regular CiviCRM functionality is working again). (--> also see https://github.com/systopia/de.systopia.donrec/issues/125)
I didn't have the chance yet to thoroughly test whether the donrec functionality is correctly implemented using the new methods here. And I am unsure what the correct BAO for some of the code is.
CiviCRM Developer Doc Reference: https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/framework/pseudoconstant/ StackExchange question to get input how to do this correctly: https://civicrm.stackexchange.com/questions/44840/how-to-replace-deprecated-crm-core-optiongroupgetvalue-with-crm-core-pseudocon