systopia / de.systopia.donrec

CiviCRM Donation Receipts Extension
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Copy donation receipts inconsistent? #169

Closed MarcMichalsky closed 1 year ago

MarcMichalsky commented 1 year ago


I think I have encountered an inconsistency in copying donation receipts.

When copying, the field issued_on is overwritten with the current date. This results in the generated copy also showing the current date and not the original issue date. (I am already using the $issued_on field in the template instead of $today)

Maybe this is intentional, but in this case it is a problem that not the current default profile but the original profile is used.

In our case, this leads to the fact that when we issue a copy of an older donation receipt, the current date is used and below it is the signature of our former board member, who does not work for us anymore.

So we have to make a decision at this point: Is a copy a true copy of the original donation receipt with the original date, or is it a new receipt with the current date and current profile (resp. template)?

bjendres commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting, @MarcMichalsky

Is a copy a true copy of the original donation receipt with the original date, or is it a new receipt with the current date and current profile (resp. template)?

I'll pass this on to the people who work with this most.

bjendres commented 1 year ago

So we have to make a decision at this point: Is a copy a true copy of the original donation receipt with the original date, or is it a new receipt with the current date and current profile (resp. template)?

I talked to Juliane and we both think the copy should be a real, but watermarked copy, and the original issued_on value should be preserved.

The scenario is, that the original donation receipt was lost, and the system is asked to produce a copy. This copy then has to

  1. be identical to the "lost" original, including issue date
  2. be clearly marked as a copy (by watermark)

The system must not to be able to produce two originals for the same contribution (short of tampering with the db/system).

@MarcMichalsky So I think you're right, we should fix this behaviour.

@jensschuppe any opposing opinion?

MarcMichalsky commented 1 year ago

Okay, it would be easy to fix. This worked for me.

jensschuppe commented 1 year ago

@bjendres I would agree, though this is a legal question I can't answer for sure. But it appears to me that (in Germany) organisations are required to keep a copy of the receipt and store it for at least 10 years - this can be in electronic form (which is basically what we do here), so the copy would have to show data as it would when created on the date the original was issued.

I'm just wondering why this hasn't been an issue so far ...

MarcMichalsky commented 1 year ago

We should also adjust the default template accordingly, otherwise the changes will not be applied.

Of course, many organizations use custom templates. They would need to adjust these themselves.

bjendres commented 1 year ago

[...] so the copy would have to show data as it would when created on the date the original was issued

Yes, I agree, see above. (I edited the comment after first submission, in case you're answering to an email)

MarcMichalsky commented 1 year ago

Should I submit a PR with my suggested fixes or do you want to apply them quickly yourself?

bjendres commented 1 year ago

Should I submit a PR with my suggested fixes or do you want to apply them quickly yourself?

Yes, please. We like PRs :)

jensschuppe commented 1 year ago

Also, your commits: your laurels, @MarcMichalsky! :1st_place_medal: