systopia / de.systopia.remoteevent

CiviCRM Extension for remote event features
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Add standardised RegistrationProfile workflow calls #41

Open bjendres opened 1 year ago

bjendres commented 1 year ago

Usually there needs to be a couple of things that need to happen in most complex profiles (beyond the validation)

This mapping is currently mostly implemented via Symfony hook on the civi.remoteevent.registration.submit event. This however, makes re-using the code difficult.

I would suggest to add a dummy adjustContactData(RegistrationEvent) and a dummy adjustPartipantData(RegistrationEvent) function, that is automatically called. This way, profile implementations can override these to ship the mappings along with the profile, and no need for registering to the symfony events.

jensschuppe commented 3 months ago

Moving to 1.3 as 1.2 is already in beta.