syusui-s / rabbit

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Pasting text into a message sometimes elides some pasted text sometimes #96

Open codrus opened 2 months ago

codrus commented 2 months ago

I've only been using rabbit a couple of days, but twice now I noticed that the text I had pasted into the message sometimes had missing text somewhere in it when I went and looked at the resulting post. So it's tough to replicate the bug. For example, one of the words was "controlling" and what showed up in the finished rabbit post for my posts was "trolling". Maybe there's a buffering problem happening if the text is entered too fast? I dunno.

codrus commented 2 months ago

Update. You know how when you focus on other browser tabs and then come back, the tab updates again now that you're looking at it again? Well, I did that and as I was watching, the word "trolling" changed to "controlling". So it posted correctly, but just displayed it incorrectly that first time. I used another nostr client to look at the post, and it was "controlling" there as well. Hope this helps narrow the bug down.

codrus commented 2 months ago

Here's some more info on this one. In a post, I have the word 'instructing' and in rabbit the post says 'constructing'. I look at the post in another client, and it is indeed 'instructing'.

syusui-s commented 2 months ago

Could you please tell me:

Does this problem only occur with "con"?

codrus commented 2 months ago

Brave browser Version 1.65.114 Chromium: 124.0.6367.60 (Official Build) (64-bit) Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS IntelĀ® Coreā„¢ i7-4650U CPU @ 1.70GHz Ɨ 4

Does this problem only occur with "con"? So far. I'll keep an eye out for more errors.