syxolk / euro2024

Euro 2024: Betting with your friends
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Scoring point weighting #25

Closed syxolk closed 1 month ago

syxolk commented 6 years ago

From euro 2016 we found some issues with the current scoring system.

Getting three points for the correct bet

Problem: Someone who's lucky enough to get the correct bet for a single match will receive as much points as someone who placed his bets on the correct winner three times.

Solution: Increase scoring points for everything: 4 points correct bet, 3 points correct difference, 2 points correct winner

Betting on a draw is not worth it

Problem: Draws are pretty rare and they only happen in the group phase.

Solution: Give more points?! No idea so far.

Finals are worth the same as group matches

Problem: There are 48 group matches and only 16 K.O. matches. That means, the betting phase is already pretty much over after the group phase because 75% of points are already given.

Solution: Each match gets an additional 'match factor' so that later matches get more points. Example:

The group phase now gives only half of the total points.

One could also think about giving more points for specific teams, like for example every time Germany plays 😄

Making a rare bet.

Problem: Think about a match Spain vs Peru. Probably everyone will bet on Spain (sorry Peruvians 😞 ) but there might be this one strange guy who betted on Peru. Because of some strange happening, Peru wins the match. Wouldn't it be fair to give this guy more points because he betted on Peru but noone else did?

Solution: No idea.

syxolk commented 1 month ago

The match factor has been implemented for a while now.