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7-men generation #25

Open syzygy1 opened 6 years ago

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

New thread for discussing 7-men generation.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

The generation looks fine so far, as for discussion, I wish to follow the previous memory bandwidth problem of mine, I have observed via "perf top" and these are hot-spots during iteration process.


It would no longer cause slowdowns when I use less threads, but this makes me wonder how did people pull this off a few years earlier, which I could assume a magnitude slower interconnect was required to aggregate physical memory from multiple machines in order to hold the intermediate table: even if a space-optimized indexing scheme was used, it still cannot justify the performance loss between UPI vs interconnect.

Any insights?

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

What slows down your system the most must be the inter-node accesses. An improved algorithm might "pin" KK slices to nodes in a clever way and somehow streamline the accesses across KK slices, in particular those across nodes.

It might already help a lot to control what nodes are working on what parts of the table. Then inter-node accesses can be limited to looking up king moves. With 8 nodes, there only need to be inter-node accesses for moves of the white king. As it is now, moves of essentially all pieces can trigger inter-node accesses because a thread will usually be working on non-local memory.

The Lomonosov generator runs on a cluster with very many nodes and 8 cores per node. I suppose each node holds at least one KK slice and inter-node accesses are somehow queued and performed in batches. Some links:

I think the Lomonosov generator uses 2 bytes per position during generation. That avoids the need for reduction steps (which are more painful when generating DTM tables).

Earlier approaches used less RAM and a lot more time.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

I think it does not make sense not to make the generator "NUMA aware" during generation, so I will start working on it.

How much time does a permutation step take on your machine? I think it is theoretically possible to speed this phase up by looping in the right way, but it seems very tricky to implement that in a general way (I haven't spend much thought on it yet).

The compression algorithm does many passes over the data, but it is very sequential so it should scale quite well to a big machine. Making it NUMA aware should still help, but it might not be crucial.

The other thing of course is to take into account same-piece symmetry.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Permutation step of DTZ usually takes about 5 minutes on a 4v3 table.

Time usage example:

Generating KQQBvKQQ Found 531 tablebases. number of threads = 64 Initialising broken positions. time taken = 0:22.907 <- this can go very long if I raise number of threads Calculating white captures. time taken = 0:30.608 time taken = 1:02.598 time taken = 2:30.105 <- this can go very long if I raise number of threads Calculating black captures. time taken = 0:14.264 time taken = 0:47.799 time taken = 1:04.080 time taken = 0:58.022 <- this can go very long if I raise number of threads Calculating mate positions. time taken = 1:33.258 <- this can go very long if I raise number of threads Iteration 1 ...

The most time consuming steps are the first few iterations(Iteration 1~3), first saving for reduction if it reaches "Iteration 62...", it can take some 30 minutes, following saves are usually faster. Compression iteration steps are indeed pretty quick.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

I am using interleaving memory allocation and not binding threads(let the OS re-balance automatically), it turns out to be the fastest way. Excessive threads just made everything significantly slower thus the symptom looked like the OS migration was the killer, which it wasn't.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

I have now created a numa branch. Only rtbgen works for the moment. This might allow you to run the generator with many more threads without slowing down. It supports 2, 4 and 8 nodes.

I think you will have to disable "node interleaving" in the bios. (If I understand you correctly, you have now enabled it.)

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

I will test it in a moment.

In BIOS, there is no such option that controls interleaving memory across NUMA nodes(only per socket interleaving if I read correctly). Manual Pg.77

This behavior was controlled by invoking via "numactl --interleave=all" on the OS side, by observing "numactl -H" I can see interleaved allocation across nodes and eventually gets migrated to busy nodes by the OS.

So I will run it without memory interleaving and/or disable NUMA re-balancer from the OS and see how it goes.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Ah I see, then no need for a reboot. I think some mainboards have an option to just interleave all memory over all nodes and to hide the NUMAness from the OS.

It might still help to run with numactl --interleave=all, for example if the numa-aware rtbgen now does worse in the permutation and compression steps.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Oh I forgot to say that you need to add the "-n" option to enable NUMA. And to compile, you will need to have libnuma and its headers installed.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

I have figured them out. And good news, it does not cause any slowdowns.

Some timings:

Generating KQQBvKRB Found 536 tablebases. Number of threads = 192 Number of NUMA nodes = 8 Initialising broken positions. time taken = 3:38.691 Calculating white captures. time taken = 0:04.877 time taken = 0:19.015 time taken = 0:18.662 Calculating black captures. time taken = 0:03.883 time taken = 0:10.985 time taken = 0:14.552 time taken = 0:21.434 Calculating mate positions. time taken = 0:19.627 Iteration 1 ... done. Iteration 2 ...

One exception is the first broken init step, during which the OS tries to migrate memory pages to appropriate nodes, upgrading them to huge pages and/or parallel disk access, but I think it is not worth optimizing. Observing "numactl -H" shows about even memory distribution across nodes, so “numactl --interleave=all” would not be necessary anymore.

Also I have measured memory bandwidth and latency under load, local: 106GB/s(87ns), remote: 16GB/s(160ns~220ns).

So this brings about a very big performance improvement. Cheers!

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Blazing fast confirmed, even with HT on.

Generating KQQBvKRB Found 536 tablebases. Number of threads = 384 Number of NUMA nodes = 8 Initialising broken positions. time taken = 0:07.155 Calculating white captures. time taken = 0:03.686 time taken = 0:15.008 time taken = 0:14.650 Calculating black captures. time taken = 0:03.026 time taken = 0:07.907 time taken = 0:11.374 time taken = 0:18.956 Calculating mate positions. time taken = 0:19.196 Iteration 1 ...

I solved the slow first step problem by "cat *.rtbw > /dev/null".

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Excellent! So now I will have a look at rtbgenp.

The slow initialisation reminds me of a problem that Cfish had on NUMA machines when it used numa_alloc_interleaved() for allocating the TT. I changed that to letting each node fault in a part of the TT. It seems that numa_tonode_memory() also makes the initial allocation slow. I could try the same as I did for Cfish, but I wonder if the kernel might then start migrating pages between nodes.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Btw, please check that the generated tables are correct, just to make sure I made no mistake. You could test this with a 6-piece table, for example.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

That 7 second init was from a fresh reboot + *.rtbw in system cache, so I guess it is not a problem now.

Tested a 6-piece table with numa branch, generator stats are correct, compressed files are correct, but compression iterations became very slow.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

I overlooked the 7s initialisation of the second run. I guess the first time your system needed time to free up memory. Maybe it would have been sufficient to do echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches.

For speeding up the capture calculations it might help to precache the relevant *.rtbw files. It would also be possible to force them into memory when they are first mmap()ed by adding MAP_POPULATE to to the flags in map_file() (util.c). This might be more important for 7-piece pawnful generation.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Did compression get slower while using the -d option? With -d, compression takes place in the memory originally allocated for generating the table. This memory is now pinned to nodes in a non-random way. It is probably bad if all threads are working on memory located at the same node.

This could probably be improved by letting the threads do the compression passes in a sort of random order instead of linearly from start to end.

Even better might be to rebind the memory to the nodes and let each thread work on local memory. But it might be too expensive to migrate all those pages.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Last checking run was not using the -d option, with it there is the same slowdown(perf says in replace_pairs_u8). It wasn't slow before because I never get this far to the compression step with this many threads. Maybe it is because in a 6-piece table memory is too small to split among too many threads? I can try compress a 7-piece table and see what happens.

The situation on the other machine that is building pawnful tables is rather different, there it has zero slowdowns without NUMA partitioning running with all cores(4 nodes), I can't figure out why.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

How many threads are you using on the other machine?

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

88 threads. E5-4669v4, actually running with 176 threads works just fine too, where in the newer one it suffers on more than 64 threads no matter how I fiddle, unless running the NUMA branch. P.S. I just checked price, that v4 is more expansive than Scalable, that might explain.

And following the previous compression slowdown, it is the same with a 7-piece table, this memory is allocated anew.

I'm wrapping "run_threaded" with a thread limit parameter, then skip the while loop in "worker" of threads beyond limit, only the compression step should apply, results seems good and tables built are correct.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Generation now is about 10x faster, permutation 5x(5min -> 1min), compression remain the same because I limited threads.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

10x faster is very good! That permutation becomes so fast (because of more threads, I guess) is surprising. It moves around a lot of data. Compression will hopefully improve with changes I am working on now.

Improving pawnful generation will be a bit more tricky. I think I will first NUMA-ify generation with 1 pawn and then use the same technique as in the ppppp branch for multiple pawns.

I may also have a look at the reduction step.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

I don't know if the v4 is supposed to have higher bandwidth than the newer generation, but it makes sense that being NUMA aware is more important on 8 nodes than on 4 nodes.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Stats verify failed for KQQNvKQB after reconstruction, comparing with master to find out why. It is my thread limit patch caused it probably, I have it fixed and no tables affected.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Strange, the way you described it it sounded OK.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

See my reference PR, the first version can skip other NUMA queues entirely. I'm regenerating with the third version to be sure.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

I made some changes, which I have tried to explain in the commit message. I have not taken into account your PR yet (except for fix_closs, I think).

When running without -d, the generator now makes the permutation step NUMA aware. This also allows the compression step to be NUMA aware.

The reason the compression step is slow with many threads might be that big arrays are being accessed that are in remote array. It shouldn't be too difficult to allocate those arrays per node, but I have not worked on that yet. I will study your PR later to see if this could be the explanation.

For now, you could re-implement the changes in your PR by changing HIGH to LOW where necessary.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Compression with high threads works better than before, less congestion, but still a slowdown, so does tramsform.

It should be problem free. Tables KQQNvKQR and KQQNvKQB are successfully built.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

OK, then I will move those big arrays to local memory for each node. Whether it makes a big difference or not, it cannot hurt.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

I can set them to LOW threads while LOW can use a bit more than 64 threads without slowdowns, that's good enough since those steps won't take a long time anyway. This is just from a poor/unbalanced configuration of hardware with awful backfires. If there is no backfire, the OS is capable of migrating threads and/or memory across nodes to reduce NUMA latency as it should be.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

KQRRvKRN still has some showdowns with 384 threads in black WDL permutation, but it takes only 2 minutes if I use 64 threads.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Do you detect the slowdown by looking at the time it takes or with a monitoring tool?

Maybe we could let the generator dynamically adjust the number of threads it uses...

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

When it is causing slowdowns, the entire OS become unresponsive, easy to tell.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Ah, I see. Do you know if the cpus throttle down when this happens? Do they get hot and reduce their clock frequency? (Probably not if the problem lies with the memory subsystem.)

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Nope, it just seemed like(or actually) taking a few hundred cycles for per memory operation instructions. Kernel software watchdogs keep triggering and such.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Do you mean the [watchdog/xx] threads? What happens when they trigger?

I also wonder a bit if it might be the barriers or perhaps the atomic queue counter that cannot handle so many threads. (Doesn't seem very likely but who knows.)

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

There is a potential overflow in the compression code. I don't think it can affect correctness, but it probably can affect compression ratio. It is difficult to say if the overflow has occurred. I have updated both numa (for rtbgen) and master (for rtbgenp).

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Just a bunch of "soft lockup" warnings. Whenever it happens, I use "perf top" to catch problem, reducing threads on that procedure helps every time, always some abnormally high latency on memory operation instructions. Ok, I will update both generators.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Starting from KQQNPvKQ and KQRBvKRB, will use new generator. I have restored with default threads for compression, going to take a while to see what will happen.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

New compression code works like a charm, now it can run with many threads.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago


I read a bit about soft lockups. Do the warnings come with call traces? It seems the call trace will be empty if the thread got locked up in user space.

If it happens in user space, then it's probably the hardware and not a kernel problem. Apparently some (or most) threads never (or at least not for many seconds) get their memory requests served. Strangely I can't seem to find any other reports on this problem.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

I just did a test to see what happens if I let the countfirst[] and countsecond[] counters overflow by making them 16 bit. This results in KQRvKQ.rtbw/z of 5610320 and 11540176 bytes instead of 3095888 and 9245968 bytes. As expected, the tables are still correct.

But it seems not too likely that an overflow has happened. The countfirst and countsecond counters are used to update the pairfreq[][] array after each round of replace_pairs(). pairfreq[a][b] counts the number of times ab occurs in the table. If ab is replaced with c, then xaby becoming xcy means that pairfreq[x][a] and pairfreq[b][y] must be decreased by 1 and pairfreq[x][c] and pairfreq[c][y] must be increased. So countfirst[pair#][x] counts the number of times that xab occurs in the table and countsecond[pair#][y] counts the number of times that aby occurs (where pair# identifies ab).

With 64 threads, each thread processes, for the largest tables, on average about 6 billion values (in the first round of replace_pairs()). Each pair is two values, so on average no pair will be replaced more than 3 billion times. Although there is probably some variation between threads, exceeding 2^32 seems to need very special circumstances. Most "vulnerable" seems to be an almost constant table like 6v1 WDL, but the pieceless 5v1 tables all have a smaller index range due to duplicate pieces...

I think you have generated KRBNvKQN.rtbw several times now, each time with an identical result.

So all seems fine for now.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Yes, I have built KRBNvKQN multiple times, and WDL file is identical, and I have not used any thread number lower than 64 to build the tables.

Also, there is an unfortunate disk failure(second time now, bummer) in the pawnful building machine, resuming when the replacement arrives.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Master can now use libzstd to compress temporary files in parallel. The number of threads can be set in the Makefile. It should be set to a value that makes writing and reading temporary files I/O bound. I have now set it to 6 which is probably higher than necessary with the current compression-level setting.

The compression level is now set to 1: Increasing it doesn't seem to gain a lot in compression ratio but does make compression slower. But feel free to experiment. Each compression thread will take about 20 MB of RAM (two buffers of approximately COPYSIZE bytes).

I will now merge this with numa.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Merged. Forgot to add that the compression ratio is much better with libzstd compared to LZ4. So this should speed up the reduction steps.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Starting from KQRNvKRN I will use the new version, the machine has a 16-disk RAID-0 array, so I can probably use some more threads.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Resuming pawnful table building, that machine runs fine using master branch on 176 threads.

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

In the meantime I am working on making the pawn generator NUMA aware.

Saugstrahler commented 6 years ago

The regenerated KQBNvKQB and KQBNvKQN are still missing on Lichess......

syzygy1 commented 6 years ago

Since you meantioned on talkchess that you will be trying to verify the pawnless tables, are you planning to run tbver on them? (It would take a non-trivial amount of time to run tbver on all of them.)

At the moment rtbver won't work with the 16-bit compressed files. It also doesn't fully check high DTZ values (they are capped during verification to fit in a byte), but it will still check that the WDL values are consistent. Adding some NUMA awareness to the verification process would probably help. I'm not sure how much memory rtbver needs at the moment (probably about as much as rtbgen without -d).

Since you're using ECC memory, I don't expect any errors in the pawnless tables. It seems unlikely that the pawnless generator generates incorrect results. The biggest danger is that there is still some internal limit that is exceeded by 7-men TBs but not by 6-men TBs. The good thing is that errors in DTZ tables cannot propagate to other tables.

noobpwnftw commented 6 years ago

Ok, the verification I intend to perform at this point is to at least check for known issues that we had earlier and make sure that I have regenerated every one of them correctly, using the correct generator.

Also I found that some 5v2 tables failed as following when generating KQRBNvKP: May 18 02:52:03 localhost kernel: rtbgenp[47762]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000040bd53 sp 00007ed7e46aee00 error 6 in rtbgenp[400000+3a000] May 18 02:52:03 localhost kernel: rtbgenp[47895]: segfault at 12cff270 ip 000000000040bd53 sp 00007ed7a1e29e00 error 6 May 18 02:52:03 localhost kernel: rtbgenp[47875]: segfault at 1c37eba8 ip 000000000040bd53 sp 00007ed7abe3de00 error 6 May 18 02:52:03 localhost kernel: in rtbgenp[400000+3a000] May 18 02:52:03 localhost kernel: Which points to this line