szabgab / wis-python-course-2024-04

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Volunteer to create the timestamps #3

Closed szabgab closed 4 weeks ago

szabgab commented 5 months ago

For each video we would like to have timestamps to make it easy to jump to the places where I talk about specific topics or maybe where questions are asked. Each day we will have a number of videos, each one of them is bout 1 hour long. Please comment here which video you volunteer to create the timestamp for. (e.g. Day 1 video 1). at first you will be able to send the timestamps as a comment on this issue. Later we might learn how to send a pull-request and then you can do that directly.

So who volunteers?

ChenDavidyan commented 5 months ago

Timestamps for Day 1 video 1: 3:24 – course overview: assignments, project, etc. 11:25 - version control systems: Git and GitHub 14:24 – change history 19:58 – python: open-source programming language 25:35 – python extensions: libraries, biopython, 28:29 – issues 35:00 – pull requests 40:40 – GitHub pages

ChenDavidyan commented 5 months ago

Timestamps for Day 1 video 3: 6:25 - installing Git 13:15 - open Git on your computer 18:42 - cloning a repository to your local disk using SSH keys 27:23 - working on your repository on your local disk: add a new file 30:34 - downloading VS code editor 33:32 - edit files in vs code and commit them locally with Git 41:54 - Git push: publish your local commits to GitHub 45:08 - assignment explanation 49:01 - questions

AdamLiberman commented 5 months ago

Timestamps for Day 2 video 1: 00:00 - Review previous assignment 03:49 - Following and staring a GitHub repository 10:10 - Editors for running Python 16:00 - Installing VS Code 18:04 - Opening a folder/file on VS Code 28:25 - Creating a Python file 32:04 - Running a Python program 36:17 - Installing Python 42:06 - Printing Hello world 43:37 - Questions

ChenDavidyan commented 5 months ago

Timestamps for Day 3 video 2: 00:01 Discuss the pycache folder. 08:16 Show .gitignore 30:40 Show The solutions of Rebecca, there's a file called .DS_Store. 34:14 Discuss The solutions of Ana, there's the pycache folder, removing it with git rm and then add the name to .gitignore. 36:05 functions in python

Mazalik commented 5 months ago


Day 3 part 1 timestamps:

Some students needed help: 00:05 Repository cloning. 03:52 Several ways of creating githab repositories and connecting them to githab 04:50 How to clone empty repository 07:25 Opening visual studio code from bash commend 13:50 additional git commands

16:53 GitHub Actions errors of the GitHub Pages of Mazal 29:00 Code formatting importance 31:00 Install and use black for code formatting:( beautifyer, prettifyer, code formatter) 34:00 Opening terminal from visual studio code 35:40 Example of how to use black 40:50 Create program called and have it also import random. @szabgab

szabgab commented 5 months ago

There was also #30 by @roisiegelman Day 1 part 2

szabgab commented 5 months ago

Day 3 part 3 was done in #76 @Mahers7

yaelarieli commented 5 months ago

Timestamps for Day 4 video 2: 3:00 - Example of factorial in a nonrecursive way. 10:50 - Fibonacci example. 23:15 - Read a string from a file to count the digits 30:23 - Explain about open file. 36:35 - Explain about read options.


AnitaMF commented 4 months ago

Timestamps for Day 4 video 1: 2:00 About comments in the code
4:20 Example of unnecessary comments 7:00 Following up on commited comments: git blame & git show 16:22 Commit using source control in visual studio 22:30 Explain what is recursion 23:30 Recursion example: factorial function 31:30 sys library & sys.argv 46:30 Code efficiency: input() vs sys.argv()
56:50 stop condition in recursion functions @szabgab

katyazhi commented 4 months ago

Hello, I made the timestamps for the day4 part 3: 00:25 count all the characters from the file 3:40 using dictionary 9:40 displaying a content of dictionary 18:30 counting characters line by line 25:55 using .rstrip() 28:30 spyder and jupyter notebook 34:00 debugger @szabgab

Sameeham commented 4 months ago

timestamps for the day2 part 2: 01:05- git diff 01:24- git commit 02:21- git push 05:40 -git pull 11:40- Python variables 17:12- strings in double quotes 20:11- embedding variables in f-strings 20:20- format 21:19- comments 28:44- input 31:19- Add two numbers together 38:13- int 40:11- float

liroh99 commented 4 months ago

Timestamp for Day 5 part 1: 0:38 - comments about code 4:30- Memory (RAM) 13:30- CPU 20:00- GPU 24:30- how to create modules and import them 40:00- student question- python extension 46:00- displaying the different methods for importing modules

szabgab commented 4 months ago

Day 5 part 2: #119 by @YuvalBernard

OmerSapir commented 4 months ago

Timestamp for Day 6 part 2: 01:02 - Exception handling 11:55 - Introduction to specific file handling 18:14 - YAML files 24:42 - JSON files 26:03 - INI files 26:25 - TOML files 27:00 - YAML library reading example 33:16 - CSV Library reading example 40:07 - next() 44:03 - DictReader()

THAYKARMIN commented 4 months ago

Timestamp for Day 7 part 1: 00:00 - Start 0:46 - issues from assignments 11:05 requirements file 16:27 pip freeze 19:48 pipeline 20:50 grep 23:30 deprecationWarning 36:21 path problem 42:07 _name == "main":

MeirSylman commented 4 months ago

Timestamp for Day 7 part 3: 0:30 fasta and gene bank formats 2:40 NCBI introduction 8:40 API 11:20 Open Weathermap 16:59 requests 22:30 biopython introduction 32:00 download from NCBI using 'Entrez'

hernanRubinstein commented 4 months ago

Timestamp for Day 7 part 2:

00:00 - name == "main" 07:25 - path problem 09:07 - .gitignore 10:28 - unittest 15:42 - output plots in tests 18:54 - tkinter 21:15 - testing in temporary folders 28:40 - Final project 42:00 - Importing data from web (Scientific Python)

ShaharGarin commented 4 months ago

TImestamps for day 6 part 3: 00:00 - start 01:53 - pillow (python imaging library) library 04:47 - 06:03 - format, size, mode 15:35 - resize 18:05 - other image actions with pillow 20:11 - draw_triangle 27:00 - read spreadsheets 28:10 - openpyxl (create and edit spreadsheet file) 39:35 - worksheet title 40:35 - expressions 42:20 - create chart (graph) in excel) 42:45 - read_excel 44:35 - closing

NoyRavensary commented 3 months ago

Timestamps for day 9 part 1 : 00:00 - start 01:20 - notes about the project proposal 04:00 - explain how to work in generic way at day7 NCBI task 14:30 - git diffw and more diff data 20:00 - handling error occurred 23:30 - print trace to fix error 27:20 - code works, more checks 33:40 - checking what happen when we input wrong data 37:36 - starting day09 work 40:16 - explain about argparse 42:50 - modify the code to work with more parameters in a different way 50:00 - save the files and update 52:20 - talk theory about more argument improvements using argparse 54:50 - end

HadarKlimovski commented 3 months ago

day 9 part 3 00:00 :Introduction with sys library to access command-line arguments and the re library for regular expression operations. 7:00 : Uses a regular expression to check if the provided argument consists of one or more digits only. 10:18 : digit in a string 10:53 : exactly one character in a string in it is a digit 12:48: one or more digits in the string and nothing else 15:10 find unicode digit in arabic 18:42 : wikipedia 'numerals in unicode 19:10 : one or more unicode digit 20:00 input validation 22:00 : check if 2 character are the same 26:17 : DNA with regex [1 or more characters] 33:00 : fined the longest sequence 35:00 : Regex DNA web

Mazalik commented 3 months ago

Timestamps for day 10 part 3 :

01:07 - Pandas package and usage examples 05:30 - Additional examples 15:15 - Machine learning 16:30 - Iris dataset example for machine learning 28:00 - Example creation of function to predict values 32:00 - Implementation in Python code

theammn commented 3 months ago

Timestamps day 10 part 2:

00 - 7.01: Numpy Array (Random, Copy, Multiply, Casting..) 7.01 - 18.36 : Numpy Absolute Function - Logical - Fibonacci & Vectorization 18.40 - 24.18 : Meetup - Python Meeting in Hebrew in TelAviv 24.19 - 26.04 : - Events in Israel - Code Maven Course 26.05 - 30.56 : Filtering Data 30.57 - 35.40 : Serialization(Matlab) - saving the data on disk 35.43 - 37.10 : More Numpy 37.43 - 42.50 : Exercism - Website to improve programming by picking a language and download exercises, you can submit solution and ask volunteer to comment your solution and get feedbacks on 42.50 - 45.34 : Linkedin Profile

LevyShaked commented 3 months ago

Timestamps for Day 10, Part 1:

00:00 - Students' topics 4:56 - The role of functions and tests 11:33 - Code Maven web 17:05 - NumPy 19:55 - NumPy value types 26:40 - NumPy vectors 38:30 - Floating point limitations 44:45 - NumPy 2D arrays 45:20 - NumPy type setting 49:38 - Stack Overflow

AdiBarelMeisel commented 3 months ago

Timestamps for Day 9 Part 2 : 00:00 - Explanation about refactoring 4:40 - Argparse library 8:30 - The meaning of "--" 10:15 - Parameters types - location, name 12:55 - Argparse 18:43 - Argparse - database number 23:15 - Add download folder as database in Argparse
28:57 - Run program with Argparse 32:00 - Quiet parameter 40:44 - Argparse - default number 44:04 - More Argparse manipulations and examples 48:01 - Argparse database + examples