szaghi / FLAP

Fortran command Line Arguments Parser for poor people
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Why multiple #40

Closed zbeekman closed 9 years ago

zbeekman commented 9 years ago

Hi Stefano, I’m just curious what your rational of keeping and doc/ is. If you want to include it in the FORD documentation is there a reason that either:

  1. A symbolic link
  2. Specifying the path as ../

won’t work? I think trying one of these approaches might help make your life easier so that you don’t have to remember to update the in two places and git add & git commit it every time you update it.

zbeekman commented 9 years ago

It seems that the symbolic link works. I’ll submit a PR with this, you can accept or reject it.

szaghi commented 9 years ago

Hi @zbeekman ,

The problem was that FORD uses main page path as its root, thus for I just like to have docs not into project root. Yes, links work: on my local repo the two readme are hard linked, anyway you are rigth sym link makes paths cleaner.

zbeekman commented 9 years ago

merging #42 fixes this