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Introspective Unit Test #77

Closed szaghi closed 8 years ago

szaghi commented 9 years ago

As a poor Fortraner I was always fascinated by the introspective-power of Python. One of the amazing Python module that I learned to love is doctest. In a few words

The doctest module searches for pieces of text that look like interactive Python sessions, and then executes those sessions to verify that they work exactly as shown.

For example, in a code like the following

def fib(n):
    Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively 
    >>> fib(0)
    >>> fib(1)
    >>> fib(10) 
    return 0

the comments like >>> fib(0) are VALID UNIT TESTS! When you run the above code with doctest module all the test-comments are tested and their results compared with the expected results (provided immediately after each test in the above example).

During the last night (when Angelica was crying...), I figured out that such a behavior can be mimic by for Fortran codes (with some limitations).

API desiderata

Let us consider the following Fortran module.

module foo
use bar, only : make_bar
implicit none
public :: type_foo, make_foo
type :: type_foo
    !>>> type(type_foo) :: my_foo
    !>>> call my_foo%init(b=992)
    !>>> call my_foo%print()
    !> 992
    integer :: a
      procedure, pass(self) :: init
      procedure, pass(self) :: print
  endtype type_foo
    ! type bound procedures
    subroutine init(self, b)
    class(type_foo), intent(INOUT) :: self
    integer,         intent(IN) ::    b
    self%a = b
    endsubroutine init

    subroutine print(self)
    class(type_foo), intent(IN) :: self
    print*, self%a
    endsubroutine print

    ! non type bound procedures
    function make_foo(b) result(foo_object)
    !>>> type(type_foo) :: my_foo
    !>>> my_foo = make_foo(b=102)
    !>>> call my_foo%print()
    !> 102
    integer, intent(IN) :: b
    type(type_foo) ::      foo_object
    foo_object%a = b
    endfunction make_foo
endmodule foo can:

Fortran is less flexible than Python, than we must use a more verbose syntax for the doctest. In fact, in the above example, the fortran doctest has also the definition of the variable my_foo that is not necessary in the Python doctest. From this point of view the definition of the volatile program test corresponding to each doctest is crucial. In general, a possible skeleton could be:

program volatile_doctest
use foo
implicit none
! user-defined doctest here
endprogram volatile_doctest 

The doctests of the above example are

type bound test
program volatile_doctest
use foo
implicit none
type(type_foo) :: my_foo
call my_foo%init(b=992)
call my_foo%print()
endprogram volatile_doctest 
non type bound test
program volatile_doctest
use foo
implicit none
type(type_foo) :: my_foo
my_foo = make_foo(b=102)
call my_foo%print()
endprogram volatile_doctest 


The approach above described should be very easy to implement into the current version, but the main limitations are:

Your thinking, why? The reasons are:

There many limitations (some above pointed-out), nevertheless such a feature is very useful for my OCD programming approach and I will try to implement it soon.

What do you think about?

jacobwilliams commented 9 years ago

I think it's a great idea!

One suggestion: would it be possible to make the syntax more markdown friendly for FORD, so that if you want to have your unit tests syntax-highlightled in the documentation you could do that? Example:

    !! type(type_foo) :: my_foo
    !! call my_foo%init(b=992)
    !! call my_foo%print()
    !!> 992

So, it would grab everything in the Fortran block.

szaghi commented 9 years ago

@jacobwilliams Yes, I cannot test the idea before the next week, nothing is already done, thus the syntax can be modified as we want. Indeed, when this morning I was writing this idea I was already thinking to adopt directly a markdown code-block :-) your suggestion is welcome :-)

szaghi commented 8 years ago

Dear All, I finally finish this feature. Except some limitations (see below) it works incredible well. Monday I will upload a new release (with also some improvements on coarray support). The syntax presently support is the one suggested by jacob (with minor modufication)

    !! type(type_foo) :: my_foo
    !! call my_foo%init(b=992)
    !! call my_foo%print()
    !!> 992 <<<


The second limitation does not hurt me very much, wheras the limitation to only public object make me crazy... I would like to test also private objects. Any suggestions are welcome.

See you monday with this feature.

szaghi commented 8 years ago

Done in the last release. Documentation coming soon.

szaghi commented 8 years ago

See the documentation here.

zbeekman commented 8 years ago

AMAZING! Yes, testing private entities would be quite nice... one quick and dirty trick is to have a wrapping module to provide the public API, that controls/limits the scope of entities it imports.... pretty annoying hack but...