Hello,I am using Ubuntun16.04 OS and want to try this program.
1.I try to install TH and THC,but when I insatll THC ,there is an error as fllow
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
I don't know why.
2.The second question is how to change the input data to my data.
Any help will be grateful.Thanks a lot.
Hello,I am using Ubuntun16.04 OS and want to try this program. 1.I try to install TH and THC,but when I insatll THC ,there is an error as fllow make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop. I don't know why. 2.The second question is how to change the input data to my data. Any help will be grateful.Thanks a lot.