Open DRACOyu opened 6 years ago
Could you please send me the exception what you get? You trained the model for only one class, right?
Hi Szaza,
Fyi, I am using yolov2-tiny.cfg and yolov2-tiny-voc_10000.weights to train my own dataset (winnie the pooh and tiger) . However, the Yolov2 app does not work after finished the training, I exported and replaced both yolov2-tiny.pb and label.txt file in android/asset/folder.
Please kindly advise.
Here's the error 09/29 10:30:03: Launching android-yolo-v2 $ adb install-multiple -r -t -p org.tensorflow.yolo C:\Users\hanwe\android-yolo-v2\gradleBuild\outputs\apk\debug\android-yolo-v2-debug.apk Split APKs installed $ adb shell am start -n "org.tensorflow.yolo/org.tensorflow.yolo.view.ClassifierActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Client not ready yet..Waiting for process to come online Waiting for process to come online Connected to process 13342 on device oppo-cph1719-97bc8b7 Capturing and displaying logcat messages from application. This behavior can be disabled in the "Logcat output" section of the "Debugger" settings page. I/TensorFlowInferenceInterface: Model load took 2778ms, TensorFlow version: 1.6.0-rc1 I/TensorFlowInferenceInterface: Successfully loaded model from 'file:///android_asset/tiny-yolo-voc-graph.pb' I/YOLO: Sensor orientation: 90, Screen orientation: 0 I/YOLO: Initializing at size 640x480 E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 11 E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 10 E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 2 E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 11 I/CameraManager: Using legacy camera HAL. D/Camera: mHypnusCtrl is true E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 5 E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 2 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 12 E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 1 E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 1 E/CheckPermission: camera-code= 2 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 11 I/YOLO: Opening camera preview: 640x480 I/CameraDeviceState: Legacy camera service transitioning to state CONFIGURING I/RequestThread-0: Configure outputs: 2 surfaces configured. D/Camera: app passed NULL surface E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 2 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 11 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 10 E/ANR_LOG: >>> msg's executing time is too long E/ANR_LOG: Blocked msg = { when=-4s790ms what=0 target=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler callback=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver } , cost = 4707 ms E/ANR_LOG: >>>Current msg List is: E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <1> = { when=-4s797ms what=0 target=android.os.Handler$1 } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <2> = { when=-4s784ms what=5 target=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <3> = { when=-4s708ms what=13 target=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <4> = { when=-4s707ms what=4 target=android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$H arg1=1 } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <5> = { when=-4s704ms what=2 target=android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$H obj=InputBindResult{$Stub$Proxy@15a82d8 com.emoji.keyboard.touchpal/com.cootek.smartinput5.TouchPalIME sequence:346 userActionNotificationSequenceNumber:2} } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <6> = { when=-4s701ms what=0 target=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler$1 } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <7> = { when=-4s683ms what=100$MyHandler } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <8> = { when=-4s683ms what=65$MyHandler } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <9> = { when=-4s681ms barrier=2 } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <10> = { when=-4s439ms what=149$H obj=android.os.BinderProxy@3d76f8e } E/ANR_LOG: Current msg <11> = { when=+4s930ms what=132$H } E/ANR_LOG: >>>CURRENT MSG DUMP OVER<<< I/Choreographer: Skipped 280 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. I/CameraDeviceState: Legacy camera service transitioning to state IDLE I/RequestQueue: Repeating capture request set. W/LegacyRequestMapper: convertRequestMetadata - control.awbRegions setting is not supported, ignoring value W/LegacyRequestMapper: Only received metering rectangles with weight 0. W/LegacyRequestMapper: Only received metering rectangles with weight 0. E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 10 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 2 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 5 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 8 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 12 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 11 I/CameraDeviceState: Legacy camera service transitioning to state CAPTURING E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 12 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 12 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 12 E/CheckPermission: real_camera-code= 12 E/TensorFlowInferenceInterface: Failed to run TensorFlow inference with inputs:[input], outputs:[output] E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: inference Process: org.tensorflow.yolo, PID: 13342 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'ExtractImagePatches' with these attrs. Registered devices: [CPU], Registered kernels:
hello szaza i have changed the .pb as well as the label.txt file then the app is build but wen i open the app it stop directly i didnt get any error but the yolo_tiny-obj_last.weight file detect by objects and i converted as per ur instructions to .pb file then also it is not working in ur android gradle. plz i want ur help plz reply me as soon as possible my email id:
I follow the instructions to put the PB and txt files in the assets folder. After the app opens, it will flash back. I am training the yolo2 to do face detection. The output is 30=5*6. What is the reason?