szhu / 3030

%%30%30 Game: Don't touch the trees! (Thanks, Chrome dev team!)
1.51k stars 114 forks source link

I found a cheat #14

Open Hypercubed opened 8 years ago

Hypercubed commented 8 years ago

Please fix!!! :)


v998 commented 8 years ago

i doubt if it can be fixed...

RAnders00 commented 8 years ago

I think it's possible to prevent rightclicks when making complete html pages (with JS) but in markdown it is not possible.

MadPigeon commented 8 years ago

I found easier way: you can have place cursor between pictures and move it down.

szhu commented 8 years ago

That… actually kind of felt like flying!

rdpascua commented 8 years ago

Githubpages plz, we can prevent right click

szhu commented 8 years ago

No thank you. There's some beauty in making a game in a format and provider that are designed to restrict interactivity and strip hacks away.

MadPigeon commented 8 years ago

How about the fact that you can drag cursor between icons?

szhu commented 8 years ago

List of currently-known cheats

Hypercubed commented 8 years ago

Doesn't work on copy printed using HP dot matrix! DRM?

MadPigeon commented 8 years ago

fair enough, touchpad and mouse keys could be added as well

BurakDev commented 8 years ago

You can just use my 3030protector ;)

dbkup commented 8 years ago

Add one more to the cheat list: resizing the screen :)

szhu commented 8 years ago

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