szimek / sharedrop

Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
MIT License
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Add ETA to transfer informations #101

Open marcopetreri opened 3 years ago

marcopetreri commented 3 years ago

It would be nice if was shown the ETA of the transfer. Maybe it could be placed near the progress bar. Thanks!

danperks commented 3 years ago

Possible, but potentially useless:

szimek commented 3 years ago

It would be great if anyone would like to tackle that, as most likely I won't have time to work on that.

I do not know how consistent the transfer speed is and thus how accurate and useful it would be.

davidak commented 3 years ago

Like the linked video shows, accurate progress bars are kind of an unsolved problem, but there are solutions that are good enough. There have to be libraries that do the hard part, so it should actually be quiet easy to add this feature (for a JS developer). It would be very useful to have, especially when sending big files which take hours.