szimek / sharedrop

Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
MIT License
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Is there a max file size for transfer over ShareDrop? #111

Open tobwz opened 3 years ago

tobwz commented 3 years ago

Is there a max file size for transfer over ShareDrop?

414n commented 2 years ago

I guess this was also mentioned in #97.

I cannot transfer a ~200MB file because of a QuotaExceededError. I guess this is due to sharedrop saving the file contents in a temporary "scratch" area (indexed db?) that seems to have a fixed size:


EDIT: forgot to mention that this is with Firefox Android v94.1.2 (sending end) and Firefox Linux v94.0.2 (receiving end)

szimek commented 2 years ago

@414n Exactly - it's using FileSystem API + IndexedDB polyfill. Unfortunately, I'm not checking for the required quota before trying to send a file. There's a ticket for it which I created back in 2014 🤦

PRs are welcome!

414n commented 2 years ago

Javascript is not exactly my cup of tea, but isn't there a way to delegate the job to the native browser "save as" file functionality, using an object URL as source?

SherylHohman commented 2 years ago

In the meantime, could it be helpful to add that there is a file size limitation to the FAQ? Let people would know that sending larger video or pics may (silently) fail, and also they should limit the number of files sent in a batch. Not knowing this, people may assume the service does not work at all, when really they should try sending smaller/fewer files. Even if the limitation may be different for every device, at least it gives the user something to try, or an explanation when it does not work.