szimek / sharedrop

Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
MIT License
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Broken with Cromite browser #169

Open bt4ibwem8 opened 6 months ago

bt4ibwem8 commented 6 months ago

I am on the same wifi network at home and trying to send files between Firefox (on Windows) and Cromite (on Android). I am on GrapheneOS with my Android phone, when i try Chrome (on Android) it works and i get the file in Firefox successfully. What could be the issue with other Chromium-based browser on Android phones? If there is need i can try also other Chromium-based browsers...


otbutz commented 5 months ago

webRTC, disabled by default

bt4ibwem8 commented 5 months ago

i have it enabled... pairdrop works fine.