szimek / sharedrop

Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
MIT License
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PWA Support #82

Open andrewrothman opened 4 years ago

andrewrothman commented 4 years ago

Hi there, is awesome! Thanks for building this app.

I think it'd be a nice addition to be installable as a PWA. This makes it easy to use as a standalone app (specifically makes this easier on desktop, where it shows up as an independent Mac app which can be placed in the user's dock). It also allows a nice fallback UI when the network is offline.

Thank you for your consideration, Andrew

floppydisken commented 2 years ago

It's almost criminal that sharedrop is not a PWA yet. I'd be very interested in this. I might even be the one to do it.

szimek commented 2 years ago

Ha! It is indeed :) I planned to rewrite it in React / Preact / Svelte / web components / ... and that's why I never invested much time into looking how to turn an Ember app into PWA. Also,

PR is very welcome!

AlfonsoML commented 3 months ago

Making it available as a PWA doesn't require any rewrite, just adding a web.manifest file and some icons, and then you can add extra capabilities from that point. Look at