szpak / gradle-pitest-plugin

Gradle plugin for PIT Mutation Testing
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Implements scmMutationCoverage task to be able to run pttest only on changed files #165

Open mstachniuk opened 4 years ago

mstachniuk commented 4 years ago

The pitest-maven plugin (together with scm maven plugin) provides a task scmMutationCoverage. This task can run pitest only on modified files (based on git/other VCS history). This is very useful for pull request builds. Is it possible to implement this functionality for gradle-pitest-plugin as well?

ThomasCarca commented 3 years ago

Hello, has this been implemented ? My team would love to have this feature !

hcoles commented 3 years ago

The scmMutationCoverage is built on top of the maven source control abstraction, so I don't think it would be easy to port to gradle. It also has a few issues due to the tension between pitest working in terms of bytecode and java packages, and source control working in terms of files.

If you're working with git, CDG are looking for teams to trial a pitest plugin that provides, git, github and gitlab integration for both maven and gradle.

I have a slightly long winded blog post about it over here ->

ThomasCarca commented 3 years ago

Very interesting article, thanks for sharing ! I particularly like your take on nightly runs with more often than not forgotten results... We're working on a closed-source project and may be interested in trying out your solution that looks promising !

CaiqueCoelho commented 10 months ago

Hey folks, can anyone tell us if this is not yet available for gradle?