sztanko / crosslet

Crossfilter + leaflet
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New version of Crosslet #12

Open sztanko opened 10 years ago

sztanko commented 10 years ago

Hi all,

I think it is time for a new major version of Crosslet.

Things I would like to change:

If you think there is anything else you would like to have in the new version, please comment here.

On another note, I am not likely to have time for this till summer. Volunteers are more then welcome.

ramnathv commented 10 years ago

I would add support for open source map providers like Stamen, OSM etc. I think this is covered in one of your points. I am new to javascript, so trying to contribute to this project will be a great learning experience :)

alistairking commented 10 years ago

I've been using crosslet quite a bit for exploratory data analysis, and I really like how easy it is to whip up a map with some data. I'd be more than happy to help out wherever I can with a new release.

hackstutz commented 10 years ago

It would be great if one could extend/tweak the tooltip. At the moment the tooltip contains "name_field - datavalue". The "-" is sometimes misleading as it might be understood as a negative value. Also I'd like to add more information to each polygon tooltip like population, area, metres above sea level etc. Tooltips would also be nice for the "dimension-boxes". I have to be sparse with the title of what is displayed, but many information I plot would need more explanation. Keep up the great work and thanks a lot!

travishartman commented 10 years ago

i've managed to apply more than one line of data in my tooltip- i borrowed the concepts and most of the code from this guy in his crosslet.js there is a commented out portion that describes how he circumvents the tooltip- it's pretty clear. (i'll be happy to post the code block if you want) there is also a portion of his index file that styles it. I used his techniques to good effect and was pretty happy with how my project turned out on that front.
I also borrowed his technique for turning the crosslet map into a point map, using the lat long in my data to create points not areas. This also worked well for me, though my dimensions have become wonky, with regards to the spacing of the bars and the width of the bars. i've tried in vain to fix them, but it's a bit beyond my ability to unpack where and how to affect these parts of the filter charts. if anyone has any advice on how to adjust them, i'm all ears.
thanks for creating such a great widget, i'm committed to creating more maps with this as it's really a lovely way to work with geographic data.
you can see my project here:

danswick commented 10 years ago

I heartily endorse adding support for non-cloudmade slippy maps now that they've shut down their free service.

I would also love to see the option to move the scrubbable crossfilter bars off of the map canvas to free up viewable space on the map.

Big fan of the tool and glad to see development will continue!