sztanko / crosslet

Crossfilter + leaflet
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Colorscale not showing up in the bar chart #13

Open jdgodchaux opened 10 years ago

jdgodchaux commented 10 years ago

Hi sztanko! Thanks for making such a great library for making it easy to deploying filterable maps with a nice UI. Much appreciated!

I'm having some trouble with making the colorscale appear in the bar chart graphs on this map here ( As you can see, the colorscale I've passed to crosslet works for the map, but not for the bar chart for some reason.

My config object looks like the following:

// format functions
var percentFormat = d3.format(",.1");
var numberFormat = d3.format(",.2");
var dollarFormat = d3.format("$,.0f");

var config = {
  map: {
    leaflet: {
        url: "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",    // backup in case stamen layer doesn't work  
        attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">CC BY SA</a>.'
    view: {
      center: [42.5,-83.1],
      zoom: 9
    geo: {
      url: "assets/topojson/detroit_region_fips_4326.geojson",
      name_field: "FIPS",
      id_field: "FIPS"
  data: {
    version: "1.0",
    id_field: "FIPS"
  dimensions: {
      kirwanIndex: {
        title: "Kirwan Institute Opportunity Index",
        data: {
          dataSet: "data/kirwanData.csv",
          method: d3.csv,       
          field: "COMP",
          colorscale: d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 10, 20]).range([ "#1b7837", "#f0f0f0", "#20698a" ]).interpolate(d3.cie.interpolateLab),  
        format: {
            short: function(){return function(d) {return numberFormat(d3.round(d, 2))}}, 
            long: function(){return function(d) {return numberFormat(d3.round(d, 2))}}, 
            input: function(){return Math.round},
            axis: function(){return function(d) {return numberFormat(d3.round(d, 2))}}, 
      highSchoolCompletion: {
        title: "High School Completion Rate",
        data: {
          dataSet: "data/kirwanData.csv",
          method: d3.csv,       
          field: "EDU4",
          colorscale: d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 10, 20]).range([ "#20698a", "#f0f0f0", "#d94f26"]).interpolate(d3.cie.interpolateLab),  
        format: {
            short: function(){return function(d) {return percentFormat(d3.round(d, 1)) + "%"}},
            long: function(){return function(d) {return percentFormat(d3.round(d, 1)) + "%"}},
            input: function(){return Math.round},
            axis: function(){return function(d) {return percentFormat(d3.round(d, 1)) + "%"}},
      medianHHIncome: {
        title: "Median Household Income",
        data: {
          dataSet: "data/kirwanData.csv",
          method: d3.csv,       
          field: "EE2",
          colorscale: d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 10, 20]).range([ "#20698a", "#f0f0f0", "#87af3f"]).interpolate(d3.cie.interpolateLab),   
        format: {
            short: function(){return function(d) {return dollarFormat(d)}},
            long: function(){return function(d) {return dollarFormat(d)}},
            axis: function(){return function(d) {return dollarFormat(d)}},
      vacantProperty: {
        title: "Percent Vacant Property",
        data: {
          dataSet: "data/kirwanData.csv",
          method: d3.csv,       
          field: "N1",
          colorscale: d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 10, 20]).range([ "#a6c0d0", "#f0f0f0", "#f5a91d"]).interpolate(d3.cie.interpolateLab),   
        format: {
            short: function(){return function(d) {return percentFormat(d3.round(d, 1)) + "%"}},
            long: function(){return function(d) {return percentFormat(d3.round(d, 1)) + "%"}},
            input: function(){return Math.round},
            axis: function(){return function(d) {return percentFormat(d3.round(d, 1)) + "%"}},

  }, // close dimensions

  defaults: {
    order: ["kirwanIndex", "highSchoolCompletion", "medianHHIncome", "vacantProperty"],
    active: "kirwanIndex"

Is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong?

Thanks! JD