szwacz / electron-boilerplate

Boilerplate application for Electron runtime
MIT License
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fs-jetpack missing when installed #81

Closed lllama closed 9 years ago

lllama commented 9 years ago

On Windows, things run fine when I'm running via "npm start" but when I "npm run release", and then install, I get a "cannot find module fs-jetpack" error on launch.

Any tips for how to debug this?

szwacz commented 9 years ago

It might be some quirk with the fact that there are two package.json files in this project.

Please check if fs-jetpack has been installed in folder electron-boilerplate/app/node_modules. If not you might want to try:

cd app
npm install
lllama commented 9 years ago

OK - just tried with a checkout of the latest head and release installs and runs fine. I also forgot that I'm actually using the Vue based version from and that doesn't appear to be working, so I'll file this there. Feel free to close.