szymonkaliski / SDF-UI

WebGL node editor for Signed Distance Functions
MIT License
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Feature Requests #8

Open MacroMachines opened 7 years ago

MacroMachines commented 7 years ago

There are some very cool additional SDF combine ops in the HG_SDF source such as the fOpUnionChamfer and fOpDifferenceStairs etc..

I might suggest for tidiness and ease of access, creating an additional level of hierarchy to the create context menu with something like: primitive domain combine modify math i/o (system)

MacroMachines commented 7 years ago

szymonkaliski commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I've stolen simple ones from there, if you want to add more the interface should be pretty straight-forward, look here for sample:

+1 on the additional level, but as I mentioned this was made just for fun and I don't think I'll get back to this project soon, have other things in pipeline rn; happy to merge PRs though!

MacroMachines commented 7 years ago

Yeah, Im down to fork it and add / continue. Is this mostly JavaScript? Any suggestions for IDE? I have eclipse but not a huge fan of it thus far. I do a lot of coding in sublime text 3.

szymonkaliski commented 7 years ago

Yes, it's all JS with small bits of inline GLSL. I do VIM for everything, but that needs some getting used to... I think Sublime should be good for JS, a lot of folks are also using Atom I believe.