I am trying to understand why Frame Format is not included in the implementation. Would a file compressed by this implementation be decompressed by someone without knowing any details about how it was compressed as long as it was LZ4 compression?
Here is my understanding:
This implementation is cross compatible with the CLI of LZ4. This means, the person decompressing a file compressed with this implementation will need to know details that otherwise would have been in the Frame and block Header?
Other implementations that don't get this info from the user and try to find it in the compressed file won't be able to decompress it?
Frame format is necessary to let anyone decompress a file without knowing anything about it. Is that a fair understanding?
I am trying to understand why Frame Format is not included in the implementation. Would a file compressed by this implementation be decompressed by someone without knowing any details about how it was compressed as long as it was LZ4 compression?
Here is my understanding:
Frame format is necessary to let anyone decompress a file without knowing anything about it. Is that a fair understanding?