t-oster / VisiCam

A Java application, that turns a webcam into a VisiCut compatible network camera with marker detection and perspective correction. Uses OpenCV through JavaCV
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visicamRPiGPU integration, matrix caching #17

Closed FroChr123 closed 9 years ago

FroChr123 commented 9 years ago

In this pull request the integration for the visicamRPiGPU project (https://github.com/FroChr123/visicamRPiGPU) is implemented. VisiCam sets the settings for this project and manages the starting / restarting / stopping of its binary. It provides fast computations for the image processing. Currently the system aims at 50ms refresh rate for a resolution of 1280 x 720.

Additionally, the matrix values are cached for some time. They should not be computed on each request because of performance and they should not only be set once because the marker positions might slightly change (e.g. moving up / down of the laser-cutter surface).