t-oster / VisiCam

A Java application, that turns a webcam into a VisiCut compatible network camera with marker detection and perspective correction. Uses OpenCV through JavaCV
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Easier installation on Raspberry Pi? #5

Closed peteruithoven closed 9 years ago

peteruithoven commented 10 years ago

So I finally got it installed on the Raspberry Pi, see the following page. https://github.com/t-oster/VisiCam/wiki/Raspberry-Pi-installation-(Raspbian)

But this is quite some work. OpenCV compilation takes > 3 hr's, JavaCV compilation takes almost an hour. So I'm looking for ways to make this easier. Is there for example any way to share my compiled version of opencv?

I will soon do a fork request with my compiled javacpp.jar and a startup shell script.

t-oster commented 10 years ago

Hi, how about you just create an image of your complete SD-Card? So everyone has just to clone your card and is ready to go. No OS-Installation, no compliation etc...

peteruithoven commented 10 years ago

Very good point, I'll look into it. The downside is that it will be at least 2 GB.

t-oster commented 10 years ago

well... with today's internet connections this may not be such a big problem. But if you really strip it down to the necessary parts, you may be able to make it smaller. If you get it to work e.g. with ArchLinux and only using the packages you need.

peteruithoven commented 10 years ago

I created a .dmg in os x, it's about 2.12 GB. I'll try to upload and share it. But... a easier way to share opencv would still be great.

peteruithoven commented 10 years ago

I uploaded the image. As a dmg because it was a lot smaller than the iso I could create. http://fablabamersfoort.nl/downloads/visicam-pi-image.dmg

I'm afraid the only way to make this easier is to make a binary that includes opencv. But that's probably not possible with java?

FroChr123 commented 9 years ago

Maybe this issue can be closed now? :) We have a full SD card image and improved compilation times now, it will probably not get anymore better than this.

peteruithoven commented 9 years ago
