t-oster / VisiCut

A userfriendly tool to prepare, save and send Jobs to Lasercutters
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Wainlux K6.... IOException: Port in use: COM3 #638

Open schmiernippel opened 2 years ago

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

On my Wainlux K6 Laser i get this Error:

IOException: Port in use: COM3

A lot of people also get this error....

Any help or workaround??


t-oster commented 2 years ago

Can you screenshot your device manager to confirm the Lasercutter is present on COM 3?

t-oster commented 2 years ago

You could also try to run visicut as admin

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago


I have also tried run as admin and different baudrates.....


t-oster commented 2 years ago

Is there any other program opened which uses the com Port?

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

No....and i also have tried an other PC....and a get the same error...

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

This Error i also get:

“IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes”.

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

Is there any other program opened which uses the com Port?

I will try changing the port....

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

Changing the port will not help...

t-oster commented 2 years ago

Does it work with any other Software?

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

Yes...it works with original software....and also with differen versions of the software!

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

Is there anything i can do for you that you know what is not working??

t-oster commented 2 years ago

Hmm. Okay. Are you able to set up a development environment so we can debug step by step?https://github.com/t-oster/VisiCut/wiki/Development:-Getting-started

mgmax commented 2 years ago

Can you connect to the serial port using other software (HyperTerminal, Putty or similar)?

Can you find out which program blocks the serial port? https://www.equisys.com/Support/technotes/howto-identifying-which-process-is-using-the-serial-port

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

Hmm. Okay. Are you able to set up a development environment so we can debug step by step?https://github.com/t-oster/VisiCut/wiki/Development:-Getting-started

Sorry...no...thats over my knowledge :-)

schmiernippel commented 2 years ago

Can you connect to the serial port using other software (HyperTerminal, Putty or similar)?

Can you find out which program blocks the serial port? https://www.equisys.com/Support/technotes/howto-identifying-which-process-is-using-the-serial-port

yes i can access the port with other software, checked with "serial port monitor from eltima software" it works also with original laser software

When i open visicut and send the code to the engraver, a can not connect with other software to the Port, so visicut it is connected to the Port.

robin-toolmaker commented 2 years ago

Same “IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes” here (Wainlux K6, VisiCut for Windows | 1.9-139).

"VisiCut --debug" sagt:

_WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.dom4j.io.SAXContentHandler (file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/VisiCut/Visicut.jar) to method com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.AbstractSAXParser$LocatorProxy.getEncoding() WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.dom4j.io.SAXContentHandler WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release using single-instance port: 6546 java.io.IOException: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes at java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(Unknown Source) at java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(Unknown Source) at java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.io.InputStreamReader.read(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.io.Reader.read(Unknown Source) at de.thomas_oster.liblasercut.drivers.K3EngraverDriver.waitForACK(K3EngraverDriver.java:294) at de.thomas_oster.liblasercut.drivers.K3EngraverDriver.sendLine(K3EngraverDriver.java:310) at de.thomas_oster.liblasercut.drivers.K3EngraverDriver.send4ByteCommand(K3EngraverDriver.java:319) at de.thomas_oster.liblasercut.drivers.K3EngraverDriver.sendConnectSequence(K3EngraverDriver.java:407) at de.thomas_oster.liblasercut.drivers.K3EngraverDriver.sendJob(K3EngraverDriver.java:551) at de.thomas_oster.visicut.VisicutModel.sendJob(VisicutModel.java:778) at de.thomas_oster.visicut.gui.MainView.lambda$executeOrSaveJob$7(MainView.java:2209) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

JarrettR commented 1 year ago

Also getting this. Windows and K6. Is there anything we can do to help debug? I do have a logic analyzer, if necessary, although I don't particularly want to pop the top off the unit if I don't have to.

edit: This is in regards to "Underlying input stream returned zero bytes" continuing discussion in the proper issue linked below

mgmax commented 1 year ago

I'm somewhat confused by the comments - the original poster says "IOException port in use", another one says "Underlying input stream returned zero bytes". Please only discuss the "Port in use" issue here.

For the "zero bytes issue", see https://github.com/t-oster/LibLaserCut/issues/170 .